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Roughly what percent of greys do eventualy talk ?


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Hi guys i am well aware that not all greys will talk and it doesnt really matter to me if he does we still love him as he is a bit of a character.Just wondering if any of you can put a figure on actually how many do talk ? I think it might interest a few people as its generaly thought that they all talk by people that dont actual have one ?

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Good Question Mervyn, but I doubt anyone truly has any scientific stats on that. It's going to all be opinions based on the few out of the 10's of thousands of Greys that exist.


I guess we could do a mini poll here and just have people with Greys respond with "talk" or "no talk". Also, enter the age of the Grey.


Hmmm, lets do a Poll:


Does your Grey Talk and at what age?


http://poll.pollcode.com/a4R<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/13 15:11

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I asked my breeder what the chances were that my baby would or would not talk and he told me that he has never heard of a grey that never said a word...they may not do it in front of you, but he believes that pretty much all will...and everyone I know that has an older grey (over a year) says their greys can at least say a few things if not more.


I want to see the poll results...when will they be posted?

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  • 4 months later...

looking at that poll, there seems to be no greys so far they havent eventually talked, they usually dont start until they are atleast a year old, and the poll shows that correctly. Tbh it's down to the individual, i see it highly unlikely that under the right circumstances a grey will not talk. To them it is just another sound to make like all the other noises and beeps they make, except with talking there is more variation. Just make sure you talk to your grey everyday, loud and clearly, repeat words atleast 10times a day. My CAG is 5months old, barely, and i repeat hello everyday and everytime i enter the room, she has definately started to mumble it already! The more loved you grey feels, the more they'll want to interact with you and please you, keep a close bond and your little should be talking away, rememeber they live upto 60-80years, at 5years of age, they are still ickle babies.

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and to add to that, I suppose other birds would affect it, like our grey may find it easier to communicate with other birds than to learn your sounds, it has been said that a grey on its own is more likely to talk than if it has a companion, i can see the logic in this but it isnt always true. If a grey is on it own, it has you and only you to communicate with. My CAG tries to sing with my canary every morning, she tries really well to do this rather than learning to say hello. She is getting there, but i couldnt tell you if i never had my canary she would already be speaking, maybe it down to luck of the draw, what your grey decides is better.

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cool :) like I said it's most likely down to the bird plus the way they're brought up. Grey's are too smart not to talk, they want to be involved in everything!! ;) it's so great all of your greys talk! talk about a big conversation! I really hope to get more greys down the line, but whether this would affect talking ability has crossed my mind, its good to hear this shouldnt be a problem :silly:

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My grey started talking only recently and he/she is only 9 months so by the sounds of it he/she is ahead of schedule ha ha and starting to get louder with "hello" ,I have 2 chatter boxes kids so i didnt doubt for a min that he/she wouldnt talk lol

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My bird doesn't talk yet at about 7 months. She is makng more and more noises though which I bet is a sign she wants to explore talking and mimic'ing more. Right now she makes a velociprator noise, and grunting piggie noise, and yesterday she did for the first time what appeared to be a gun shot sound (was watching american gangster).

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