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New here but not to CAGs

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My name is actually Beth. Cookie and Molly are my two CAGs. We adopted Cookie last year. He is now about 4 to 5 years old and talks up a storm. He also dances and loves music. He blows his nose, complete with putting a talon up to his beak in order to copy not just the sound but the actions we do. Silly guy. Molly was just adopted last weekend. She is adjusting well but we learned she has some nutrient issues including a high level of sodium. She also has a yeast infection and a lot of inflammation in her mouth so she is on two medications and I am having to train her to take medications from the syringe pretty fast. She loves the syringe with water but doesn't like the medication. We are working on it. My husband is the bonded one with Cookie and they have taken the opportunity to teach Cookie about taking things from the syringe too in case this comes up again in the future. After all, they live so very, very, long.


We have had experience with other greys and with Amazon's and various Poicephalus as well. I do a lot of volunteer work for Mickaboo, a well known bird rescue in California that is growing and growing. We currently have an Amazon named Princess who is about to go to another home of her own and Louie the Senegal who we may end up adopting too. He is just that sweet.


All three of us (plus my husband and son) look forward to learning from you all and getting to know you and your birds.



Cookie and Molly

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