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Help With Taming?


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Hello all!


I've been an Grey owner for about three years now. Zoey is a female and around 7 years old (will be 8 in November). She's quite the loud bird when no one is around and enjoys when music is played for her. Only the problem is that I haven't been able to tame her enough so that she feels comfortable to step up and enjoy close interaction. She is territorial, but she enjoys having her feet and beak touched through the bars of the cage. She comes out and does her thing but refuses to be touched at all, I just don't get it. I have been bitten when trying to get her to step up, however she is comfortable with being hand fed treats. Does anyone have any tips on improving my relationship with her? Thanks! :)

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Barbara Heidenriech has a really good video on training, especially the step up. It worked for my husband with the bird bonded to him. You basically put your arm so it is an extension of the part of the cage they are on then off treats. Reward initially for simply walking near the hand. Don't worry about putting the "step up" command in at first. Your wanting her to learn that it is safe to approach you and even better, She will get TREATS! If she really doesn't like your hand or arm, you can train to step up to a dowel first in the same manner but start by rewarding for her just touching the stick. Good luck.

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Training her to step up and down is important and the video suggested above should be helpful. As far as allowing touch, I would not push the issue. Many greys don't like to be stroked or petted or held and that is fine. My grey steps up fine, and allows me to move her wherever needed into travel cages etc. She sits on my hand just to chill. When she is feeling affectionate she asks to touch my shoulder--and she gently presses her beak against it. That is it, however. She hates scritches and pets. That is her choice and I respect that. She is perfectly happy with the arrangement. Of course I would love to cuddle her, but her happiness and comfort are the goal. It isn't about my needs, so I let her set boundaries in such areas which are personal to her. I only impose my will when safety is involved.

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Jeff is right about some greys do not like to be touched, my grey will allow my hubby to scratch her neck and practically touch her all over except her feet, she doesn't allow me quite that much leeway but I have a good relationship with her and respect that she prefers him to do the body touching.


Things can change for my grey used to not want to have much to do with my hubby and then suddenly one day she is ga ga over him and will occasionally try to regurge for him so your situation could change.

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Sophie will step up, step down, step side ways! All about training and trust! Trust... is the most important. Step up... step down even if you don't go anywhere. Most greys are territorial over their cage, so I always liked to work with Sophie, away from cage.When she stepped up, I gave her a tour of home. She was thrilled. Next time she stepped up... another tour, and something interesting to learn! She couldn't get enough

BUT... first I had to satisfy her oral needs, and she had to trust me. Step up, step down. Read a book in front of cage... no expectations! Goodnite kiss nancy

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