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Is it ok to use a perch to start teaching step up?


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Hi All,


I know most of you know about Alex. I am working on his step up and I ended to the point that he is running away from my hand and he is not biting it anymore.


So, I started using a perch to make Alex to step up on that. At first he fought badly. He tried all he could to break it. Then he hold the perch with his beak and hold it so tight so I could not bring it close to his legs. Anyway after a short time of wrestling, I made him to step up on the perch, and I brought him close to my face while he was on the perch. He was scared to death and he was shaking badly. I offered him prize and he did not open his beak at all.

I praised him with my words and then brought him back to his cage T perch and he went back on the T perch. I could see that he felt better. I offered him a prize, and he accepted it.

After a short while of praising him and when he finished his prize, I brought the perch close again and he freaked out and start fighting again. I wrestled with him till he stepped up again and did everything same as before.

Again he was so scared till I placed him back on his T perch. I did not give up and attempt it for the third time. On the third time he start screaming. The scared and angry scream of a grey. I did not give up until he stepped up.

This time when I placed him back, he did not wait and ran to his cage so I cannot ask him to stand up anymore.

From that day if he sees that perch in my hand he runs away in his cage.


I was wondering if I should continue this process or I should stop it? Will this make him to loose his fear or it will make him to be more fearful and more aggressive?


Thank you

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I started with Novalee the same way with perch n she did the same thing as your's. I switched to her stepping on my hand took a few bites but she noticed I didn't back down or reacted to her bites. She steps up for me now even on top of her cage witch she used to have control over. Just keep trying one thing I did was give her, her favorite treat n talked to her before asking to step up after a few minutes would pass I come back for her cage n ask her to step up till she did. I think if you keep trying eventually he will get used to it play with the perch let him see you do it n also try to give it treats with the perch around n every time move it closer

Edited by Speedygo
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Dorian also did not step up when I got him. You may not want to take the route I did with him, but I'll tell you about it anyway. It took months. He was cage bound when I got him. It took months before he even stuck his head outside of the cage. I just let him explore at his own speed. I'd offer my hand and ask if he wanted to 'come with mom'. (The phrase 'step up' made him tremble.) He'd decline and I'd say "OK" and walk away. Eventually he started going to a perch I had mounted on the outside of his cage. When he went to that perch it was his signal to me that he was ready to step up for me. This took well over a year to get to. After he was used to stepping up from that perch he started to be willing to step up from inside his cage. Now he 'comes with mom' virtually every time I ask him, but it's still his choice (unless it's time to go to the groomer or it's bedtime, then I persist). I would let it be Alex's choice whether he comes with you or not. Offer him the choice but walk away if he declines. You'll end up with a more confident bird if he feels like it's his choice. His freaking out is a strong message to you that he doesn't want to do what you're asking. I know you just want him on your hand to show him the world outside his cage and I know the frustration you're feeling because he's not cooperating, but I still believe in going at the birds pace. Hope that helps.

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Acappella: I have to say that you are 100% right. After couple of days persisting on this approach, now Alex doesn't trust me as before. I can feel that he goes out of his cage, and sit on his perch outside the cage. Then as soon as he sees me going close to him, he runs back to his cage. I never tried to make him stand up while he was inside of his cage.

Also during the practice time, Alex showed his frustration using a clear action. Each time that I made him to step up, and then step back down, I offered him a treat. He either refused the treat, or he got it then throw it away, and make an angry sound.

And even if he is in his cage and I want to talk to him, he stays far from me. I am stopping this approach, and I will just give him time.

It has been almost 5 months that Alex is with me. I thought it is time for him to start next level of trust, but it shows that not yet.


Also I think Alex has a huge fear of a perch that is not stable. He does not trust swings and he does not step on a perch if it is not so stable and unmovable.

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