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noodles am shocked


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:);) I have owned noodles 3 weeks now and were starting to bond very well. We have been living in the front living room which is on a main road which is very busy so i come to think maybe move in the back living room were it is much more peaceful ?.Any way i have been talking to noodles all the time since him coming to me and he has been very quiet and a touch nervous but within 10 minutes of moving living rooms he just repeated everythink i have said for the last 3 weeks am amazed! cant say how happy i am such a cleaver boy;)
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Sometimes the smallest things are a big change for our greys. After you moved Noodles into the quieter room or is he talking while you are in that room with him? I am so pleased for the way you are able to understand what he needs after such a short time together.

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