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Ok Dan lol you said to post some more questions more often, you asked for it lol. :P SweetHeart has started to growl at me. I can go up to her on top of her cage where her playstand is and talk to her, as long as I don't get to close she won't try to fly away. Sometimes she will growl but mostly when I tell her to step up to have her go to bed or come out of her cage. She hasn't bitten me yet thank god! I have tried to show her even though she is growling that I'm going to have her step up when I need her to. Is this just because she's still getting used to all of us? Should I make her step up like I'm doing even though she is growling? Because really if I don't I don't know how I would get her in her cage at night. Of course she will come out on her own in the morning but doesn't really go in at all. I leave the cage door open for the option. She rarely does go in on her own. Just wanting to know if the growling is an ok thing at this point? I'm the only one who really does anything with her because I'm trying to get her trust. The kids and hubby go up to the cage and talk to her but don't handle her yet. Well we all know from my previous posts that no one can handle her yet. But it's only been 2 weeks. Any info would help. Just want to do the right thing

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Well, growling is a sure indication she's going to attack you if you get closer and try something :ohmy:


If you just stay there and slowly get closer and closer and SLOWLY move your hand towards her,what does she do?


I still think leaving the Cage door open for her to come out when she wants is the wrong approach. Her only exit from the Cage should by you offering to have her step-up. If doesn't, she does not come out of the Cage.


Of course the flip side, is she may decide fine, I'll just stay in my home and you keep the heck out too :-)


You will need to play it by ear, but you definately need to change your tactics.


I like the dim room idea with her having no where to run and no where to hide. They will normally not fly if they can nnot see well.

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Ok guess I gave the wrong impression. I leave the door open for her to go in and out as she pleases BUT when I take her out for the first time in the morning or in the evening if I have to work she steps up on my hand to come out. I don't just let her go out on her own. And the same for when she goes back inside, it is she must step up to go back in when I need her to. I was saying I leave the door open because when I'm off I take her out when I get up and than I don't put her back in till I go to bed so I wanted to leave her the option to go back in if she wanted to and the only reason she goes back in once in a great great while is to eat her pellets and than she comes right back out.


She doesn't growl at me until I tell her to step up. I can walk up to her cage without her growling. Unless I have a towel on my head lol I found that one out yesterday. When she occasionally flies off of her cage/playstand she doesn't ever growl at me for getting her. only in the morning or evening again depends if I have to work that day and than again when I put her back.


So her only exit from the cage when I open it is my hand. Just when I am here all day and leave her out she is out for more than 12 hours so I wanted to leave the option of her going back in for her pellets or to sleep if she wanted to but she only does for her pellets. When she sleeps she comes to my corner and sleeps where she can see me with one foot up. Hope I cleared that up. I have read lol I know that I am the boss lol I should make her step up. What I'm asking is what do I do about the growling. But I do think I will try to hardly lit room and see what happens. Just wanted to clear that one up so you don't think she has the upper hand. I just don't want her to have the upper hand that's why I'm asking lol. So far I still have it lol

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Oh, thanks for clarifying that Ronda. The first and last out/in are ok then :-) It's the 12 hours in between that are the issue...light bulb on :-)


Now that is an entirely different aspect and the dimly lit room will probably help the out time and her getting used to you interacting with her while she is out.


It's cute that she wants to be situated in her cage so she can see you :-)

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Cool! Thanks guys I will give the dimly lit room a try.


Yes it is cute that she sits right where she can see me. I have noticed she only does this when everyone is here. Like right now with just her and I are here cause I'm home sick today :S she is sitting on the other side and will come down but she seems to be comfortable anywhere right now. Well on her cage that is. But hopefully that is a sign that when everyone is home she sees me as someone she can trust and that's why she hangs out by my corner :cheer: lol Wishful thinking but it gets me through this rough time with her lol.

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All of mine grumbled too when I first got them, it took all of mine about 2 months to stop grumbling, even when I would just walk by them not trying to pick them up or anything! It's just her getting used to you is all! Whatever you do don't back down from the grumbling, and more than likely you will get bit, it's a reality, I'm yet to meet a bird owner that hasn't been nailed LOL If so I wanna know their secret! Just keep letting her know YOU'RE in command and when you need her to step up, she needs to do it!

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