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please Help wing clipping baby ????


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Hello My name is Tammy and I do not have My baby African Congo grey yet but She will be here in 2 weeks :o but PLEASE until then breeder is asking if I want My baby Grey's wings clipped or not ? I have been reading a lot on this subject but wanted to ask what your thoughts are ? Is don't matter to Me personally I can provide a safe environment either way.I need to know what thoughts on this

Thank You ,Tammy

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If you can provide a safe environment to prevent escape, you are MUCH better off keeping a bird fully flighted. There are extra precautions that you must take to keep them safe inside your home but it's well worth it. Many believe they develop so much better and are less prone to neurotic behavior if left fully flighted. We have two cases where we do a very very slight trim of the most exterior flight wings on a Caique and a Jardines in order to slow him down (Caique) and to slow down the attack mode/running into windows (Jardines). They can still fly from one end of the house through hallways and doorways and back again non-stop.


Flighted birds are happy birds.

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My personal preference for Alfie is NOT to trim. He has had two wing clips in his life (he's 12 years old now) and they only trimmed one wing lightly each time when he was very young. Once he'd got his balance back, he was flying just as well and just as far as he was before- so I didn't see a point in putting him through the stress of a clip again. I know I can keep him from harm (and from escaping) and he knows what a window is/where they all are so I see no need to clip his wings.


Edited to add: As it's a baby bird, my personal thought would be to leave him/her be (no trim) to begin with. Let him/her settle in, find his/her wings and learn what they are for- then assess whether a clip may be needed later on?

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My vote, know yourself and your bird(s). Mine are flighted, I believe birds are meant to be flighted. However this is something I think about all the time. My Ana Grey is a TAG and very willful she is always watching to see if I accidentally leave a door/window open. My CAG, Sterling Gris, is more cautious but will follow Ana Grey to the ends of the world. Know yourself and your home and family. Small children and a very active home can change how you treat your birds so think about it and your birds then make your choices.

Edited by luvparrots
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My vote is not to clip a young bird because the bird needs to build up muscle strength and coordination. This takes up to about 6 to 8 mts or more. Having a full set of unclipped wings allows the bird to do this evenly.

All young birds will eventually fall off of a cage once in a great while. The bird who has short wings won't be able to handle that shocking quick experience. That experience only lasts for about 2 minutes. The bird with a full set of wings will be able to handle that experience much better because of coordination and muscle strength.

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My vote is NO! I had 2 greys and 1 Amazon who when I got them where clipped. It took my Congo 2 years to be able to fly and learning was difficult . My son had to teach my Amazon how to fly. I am a firm believer in NO clipping ever, but with that comes a huge responsibility and diligence in making certain there is NEVER an opportunity for them to get out thru a door or window ect.

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Thank You all very much for all the replies on this !!:D

I has after reading ,talking to are {to be} avian vet and you all decided I will keep Her fully flighted even the vet suggested this .Thank You all








Hello My name is Tammy and I do not have My baby African Congo grey yet but She will be here in 2 weeks :o but PLEASE until then breeder is asking if I want My baby Grey's wings clipped or not ? I have been reading a lot on this subject but wanted to ask what your thoughts are ? Is don't matter to Me personally I can provide a safe environment either way.I need to know what thoughts on this

Thank You ,Tammy

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