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Sophie, worried about Ollie


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Ollie, has been coughing around three times a day. He is eating well, and drinking. His activity hasn't changed. I also know, Sophie snuck him some peanuts past few days. He has done this several times. when Sophie has given him peanuts. I am not going crazy, as long as his activity and appetite are good. No shortness of breath as well. His lungs are clear, heart sounds are good. ( being a nurse, does have some bene

fits!). He is vaccinated against kennel cough...I am not worried, but Sophie is VERY concerned!

This morning, I forgot to close my room. Sophie was on my shoulder at 6 am. All she could talk about was Ollie, imitating his cough! I GET it! I don't know how to reassure her, that I am watching Ollie closely, and will seek help IMMEDIATELY, if needed. Nancy

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Parrots don't get kennel cough because it's a viral disease that can only be passed to other 4 legged land animals such as dogs and cats and sometimes although rarely, people. Even animals bred for food such as chickens, turkeys and other food animals won't get kennel cough but can get other airborne avian viruses such as what happened in 2005. In that year thousands of chickens were euthanized because of that H251 virus ( also known as Avian Flu). Other wild animals such parrots, hard billed and soft billed flying birds who were exposed to that deadly virus had no symptoms.

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Ollie is a dog. Sophie's best friend. Sophie is stressing out, since Ollie is coughing. Sophie is calmer today regarding Ollie. As I worked, it was hard to tell if I should make a vet appointment.When I got home at six, Ollie went out, barking at everyone, and Sophie had " no tales to tell!" A good sign.

While this is a bird site,My point is how amazing our Greys can be. They can pickup on medical issues, quicker than us, and bring issues to our attention! When my kids were younger, ( both have asthma), Sophie could pickup on someone that was wheezing. Kids tend to hide their symptoms! ( not sure why!) Sophie would pickup on the wheezing, and once she imitated it, I knew one of the kids were sick! They have a sense that I find amazing! Nancy

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