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Finally Bonded


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Demonio good to hear you have bonded with Jo :)


I think you might want to observe his 'right on privacy' - like in not expecting from him to necessarily have to be nice to everyone, after all - there are also enough people that are not exactly social, and we are speaking here of a bird. So, my advise would be to take it very slowly and tell others not to expect 'instant niceness' but let him get used to them slowly as well ;)

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Strangers are a threat unless you have socialized your Grey with many people coming and going from the start. If not, then they are a threat to the Flock and that seems to be how your Grey is responding...an enemy has entered the Camp :P


Regarding how your Grey treats the others that live in your home, that seems to change from time to time in some cases, but can be overcome by the one being shunned just being patient, maybe offering some treats and you passing your attached Grey over to that person, as long as your Grey is OK with it.


Others will chime in with some great observances and info also. :-)

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