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Green beans


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Klaus loves 'em!

Sat on his "dreaded" play stand (conveniently situated next to the dinner table) and ate one after another while we enjoyed our dinner.

They were the French style, and they were nice and warm. Sorry if I'm boring you guys every time Klaus eats something new...I'm excited, and figure I might inspire newbies that are newer than me!:P

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babygirl loves peas in their pods(raw)she also likes cooked green beans and brocholi(sp?)i do vary her veg so she doesnt get fed up.Cant get her to enjoy fruit only grapes and pommegranets but i still keep introducing them:).


love trish and babygirl xxxx;)

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Makena likes most green veggies. His ultimate favorite though is Papaya.... The kid is OBSESSED!!


On a side note... Our costco just started carrying an organic frozen mixed veggie blend (corn, peas, carrots, green beans). The 5 lb. bags are $6 and they are all chopped up!!!! It is wonderful, all I have to do is wake up and scoop out a bit...and of course cut up a papaya ;)

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