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Mardy Grey (lol)


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Congo is making slow but steady process. I bought a little feeder which I pop treats into. I put it on the edge of the door and he will come out, fetch the treat and go back in. Yesterday he did sit on the door eating them, but today he is back to his aversion of alfresco eating.


He 'fell out' of his cage yesterday and had a walk around the flat. He seemed quite surprised that there is more than one room. I managed to gently shepherd him back towards his cage.


Of course being a parrot he won't come out of his cage but once he is out he won't go back in. Last night I turned all the lights out and threw a towel over him (as I had been advised) but he gave a load of really upset squawks (not angry ones) so I took it right off him and popped the light back on. Felt guilty for hours afterwards. Eventually, by showing him the towel I managed to 'persuade' him back in.


He hasn't bitten me for days. He won't let me touch him but I can put my fingers really close to him and he doesn't go for me at all, which is great. I think he is a really friendly bird, just quiet and shy.


I got an unexpected "ha ha ha" from him when I was on Skype talking to my mum, so he can talk - he just chooses not to! I wish my ex-wife had that attitude!


I think he's getting used to my teasing. He has a mastered a look of utter disdain when I try to play a trick on him.

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" Disdain", is good! If they could roll their eyes at us, they would! LOL! I know when Sophie is rolling her eyes at me.... pretty much all the time.

Congo is growing in leaps and bounds. Certainly way past grey time.

You are doing terrific with the developing trust. I would suggest the next time Congo seems interested in your home, give a little tour. As soon as he seems uncomfortable, back to his home and thank him for letting you show him your home! ( you may be sorry!) I'm sorry it was thru falling off his home! ( Dang they all fall!)

As far as bedtime, we will all help you with that. The trust has to be there first. Stick to your guns about the time he needs to go to bed, while certainly regarding his fears. Do what you need to do to make him comfortable, but don't give an inch about the hour. ( certain lighting.... etc....) Let him know you are supportive, but bedtime, is bedtime! Don't get sucked up into " I need a glass of water!" Of course if scared, quickly respond and let him know he is okay and you are there for him. Nancy

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Most Greys are fairly reserved in terms of vocalizing humanese until they find something intriguing enough to speak. He obviously thought something said was entertaining or perhaps silly. It's hard to hold in a laugh while you don't want people you are eaves dropping on and would have rather just appeared to have not been discovered doing so.... :P


This first interaction in regards speech is a Greyt signal more will be coming over time. :)

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He blew a few raspberries yesterday and I got a "ha ha ha" when my neighbour was around. He greeted her (the first time he had met her) like an old friend - his 'foster mum' was a lady, so he probably thought it was her. He cooled once he had realised. I kept telling her not to poke at him but she wouldn't listen (she's in her sixties and like that!) so she got bitten, which is a shame as Congo has not bitten me for ages.


He's definitely getting friendlier, just a little bit at a time :)

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He blew a few raspberries ......... I kept telling her not to poke at him but she wouldn't listen (she's in her sixties and like that!) so she got bitten...:)


Excuse me, but hasn't anyone told you some of your MODERATORS are in their late sixties (smile) and we have brains and very sharp feelings..... (smile). REMEMBER: As the caretakers of your parrots it is up to YOU to see that only safe (kind) souls are around your birdies no matter what age. (now off the soapbox). (snicker, snicker)!

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  • 1 month later...

Well, it's been a while, so just a quick update.


Congo is doing brilliantly. He is still extremely quiet, but will now come out of his cage on his own and stays out. He steps up without an issue, and gives kisses. He likes to be out, and likes to watch TV with me in the evenings. He still is not fond of the dark though.


He's still a little unpredictable. I had not had so much as a nibble off of him for three weeks when yesterday he bit me twice. Once when I was just adjusting his swing (as I have done countless times) - he bit so hard that when I pulled my hand away he came with it! The other time was when I asked for a kiss. He was getting really good at kissing but yesterday he decided it would be a nice idea to bite my lips instead. He spent a bit of time inside for that, which of course is pointless but I felt he deserved a bit of 'punishment'.


I thinks he gets annoyed that he can't fly. He forgets sometimes and ends up bashing into walls.


Today I was out until 4pm and he was quite chuffed to see me. Tomorrow I am away overnight so it will be nice to see if he is pleased to see me when I return, or sulks for a week.

Edited by iWrite4u
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