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Germanys dumb laws


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today I found out that here in Germany you have to register parrots with some authorities.


Will get the paperwork in the mail in a few days.

I got that information because I was reading up on breeding budgies ( I think- parakeet), because I wanted to have one set of eggs and hatchlings for myself. Since the new cage for them is so huge I figured why buy more if you can have babies. Well, I figured wrong- need a permit for which I have to pay who knows how much money and have to take tests on knowledge etc. Well, guess I buy one more female to make it an even number and call it even. :(


I just wonder why the goverment here can't let ppl do what they want.

An other example: i am done having kids but noone will "fix" me because I am too young and need a permission from my husband, like I am going to ask him. None of his business. Luckily for me Europe is so small. Hehe. Easteurope right araund the courner where they do anything if you have the money lol.


Miss the freedom that you guys have over in the US.

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Not so sure its dumb to regulate bird breeding and register parrots. We need to register dogs etc, why not birds? There are lots of breeders in the US that simply do it for the money and mass produce babies w/o proper care. Proper regulation, knowledge testing etc "may" help address this.


Now, the other issue regarding what a woman can do with her own body and needing her husbands permission?? Its tough to believe that is the law in a modern western society.

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well, the bird is being registered, but I believe it should be enough that I have a reciept and that the bird has that ring.

At the very least the store I bought him from could have told me that I needed to do it and where to call. If I haven't found that info on the internet by mistake they would have come to take him away.


I was NOT looking to breed the little ones for profit or even giving them away. I just figured: why buy if you can let nature take its corse ONCE. I would have loved to see, which colors I might have gotten and how they care for the babies. I do think that should be my right.


Well here you not only have to register dogs. They are considered luxury ad we have to pay taxes on them. every year. I am actually very surprised that birds are taxfree. On top of that they tell you which dog you can own and which breed you can't have.

thats the reason why I couldnt bring my two dogs from the US to Germany.Already paid for the flight etc and then thy told me when we confirmed being on that plane that we are very likely to have taken the dogs at german customs.

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NO man is gonna tell me what I can and can't do with my own body, just because we are married doesn't mean he owns me, because he doesn't in no shape or form.


As for registering birds, Mark makes a good point, but we do have laws for dogs but not sure it helps much, I see a subject for debate.

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I agree registering birds is a good law as is registering Dogs, cats etc.


But, to have a law requiring a husbands permission for getting your Tubs tied is Archaic to say the least.


Are Birth Control pills also at the husbands permission also. If not, then whats the damn difference? other than one is permanent?


But, Judy...well don't we have an attitude :P

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officially I wouldnt need his concent, but the DOC wants his signiature (Sp?), so might as well call it his permission. Couldnt find a doc who would do it at my age and then not wanting that signature from him. Plus he has to be there when I talk to a psychiotrist. (i know the spelling is off) First I thought bring home the papers. he doesnt understand and he signs anything that I give him. I just tell him its because of the kids.


The Pill I dont want or any other way of birthcontroll. I smoke, drink everyonce in a while (once every gosh cant even remember the last time) but when I drink I get wasted fast and that hormonal stuff doesnt work with the pill or any other hormonal birth control. Plus I would have to see the doc every 6 month whioch I do not believe in. Last time I saw a doc was at my babies birth (and that only b/c my husband was home) and before that when my 3 yr old was born. lol

I have very strong beliefs when it comes to doctors. Now please dont get me wrong the kids go and get their checkups but when it comes to me I have the right to choose.

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Well Ccilia, I can't really agree with you not going to see doctors, I do, but then that is our own individual choices, right, but I am glad you are allowing your children to make regular doctor visits for checkups. They can make their own decisions when they get the age of consent.


As for the smoking, I would rather you not smoke, I don't for the very reason that it is a nasty habit that is detrimental to your health not to mention the chunk it takes out of your pocket. But I am glad you don't smoke around your kids and your birds, so at least you are being responsible enough to care about them even if you don't care that much for your own health.

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I was reading up on Sugar gliders because I was thinking of getting a pair some day and in Florida there are some laws that are like German bird laws. I would have to get a permit to own it from the state and pay to renew every year, and if I owned an un-fixed male and female I would have to have a breeder/seller permit as well. Then if I was to sell the babies I would have to keep all transactions on record for X amount of years, and if I sold to a pet store I would have to get a copy of their permits to sell them as well.


As for the German laws, I could see the logic on the large breeds like Macaws, Cockatoos, Greys, stuff like that due to illegal smuggling of wild birds, but breeds like Budgies and finches is pretty stupid. I breed finches and to tell you the truth those birds could really could care less is I had a permit or not...although my Owl finches still want to see some ID or something.:laugh:

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As for the fixing and smoking...Everyone has the right to do what they wish to their bodies...good or bad. I take the depo shot for b/c and will soon get the implant that lasts 3 years. I'm only 22, no (human) kids, and not married, so fixing is not something I will consider any time soon...plus I think I'll make the hubby get the snip when I'm done with kids! LOL! I don't think a woman should EVER need a man's permission to do anything...especially when it comes down to what I want to do with my ovaries. I would tell my husband just because I would want the same courtesy if the tables were turned, but if my mind was made up anything he said would just be wasted breath.

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2 birds period? or 2 large birgs (like macaws, greys, amazons or cokatoos)?


That is pretty dumb if its for any kind of birds. Because there are birds who like to live in big flocks. Like finches or budgies.


A few days ago I got me another budgie, to make my flock an even number (2 boys and 2 girls- just hope the guy ar the petsrore sexed her right. She is grey, with a little white and black and she has blue cheeks. Cutest thing. I still want one green one and one purple one, since I cant have my own baby. Next week they get a new shipment at that store and then I am done with those. ( as in buying) Surprisengly buying that little one I had to sign a paper with Churchill I didnt. Different store different policies I guess.

I am still waiting for the paperwork to register Churhill.


The smoking: I know its a bad habit, but that is the only thing that I do. it relaxes me. I wont even take my kids to people that smoke in their home. Nobody comes over to y place because they cant smoke. (except one room with the window open and cigarette stuck out) That room neither the kids nor the birds are allowed.


But that doesnt bother me, I dont really get along with other ppl. They always want to force their way of thinking onto me. Luckily my husband is the same way. So we dont get in each others way.

Well, I got to go housework is calling. Thinking abaut making that pumpkin pie for him together with my daughter

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Well Ccilia, I don't smoke but I do accept the fact that some people do and that is their choice but I won't try to force my thinking on you, we can still be friends, we all make mistakes and bad choices but it doesn't have to get in the way of friendships.


Mmmmmmmm, I love pumpkin pie with some whipped cream on top, yummy.:P

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