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Tequila update.... been a long time!!


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Hi people...


It's been a long time.

So here's how it's been....

Me, my hubby and Tequila have moved. Yes, moved. Tequila had her first trip and by my suprise things went quite well! We moved 372 miles and Tequila traveled in the car with us. I gave her stress powder and lotsa attention during the trip. I think thats why she was fine and didn't have a problem traveling so far in a car.


So Tequila is 100% fine and getting cuter by the day! She's not talking yet but I dont care bout that coz she is still the sweetest thing! She makes funny noises and loves 2 cuddle....


I hope everything is still going well with all of you and your greys.... I got a lot of catching up 2 do but I'll do it on a later stage because right now I'm using a dial up connection and it's soooo slow... Still waiting for them 2 install our adsl.


Have a great day guys and gals.

P.s Its so good 2 be back!!


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thanx guys,


Stress powder is a powder you mix with water and then it turns orange and it looks like fake orange juice. You give it to birds that are traveling or even birds that are just handled. I'll tell you one thing... it really works. I think it's just something that calms them.

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