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Having an open cage concept ( with some limitations), is taking a toll! Its been her way of life for years!!! No to kitchen and family room, but she can go " up"! She has never focused on it! NOW....she knows where we go.. and LOVES UP! Bedrooms and bathroom are closed. Thats okay.... I will wait outside, knock on your door, and will be patient!

I told my youngest son Sean, we are not meeting something she needs....pick her up, go back to birdroom, and pay attention to her in her room. We are both doing that,but she continues to NOT stay in her birdroom at bedtime. ( she was always like clockwork!) 13 years.... routine! Something has changed, that she is unhappy. I know her animal kingdom has unfortunately become less....any suggestions would be appreciated. Nancy

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tankaray....LOL! Sophie would be thrilled! She rules like a " drill sargeant!" She has one fear, and one dislike. She HATES water.... but FEARS a hormonal bird. As your bird is a boy, no problem! We have never seen Sophie go hormonal, so we always teased her that she was asexual. Our Amazon Kiki, was a different story. Sophie would give her the shirt off her back if she had one to make her happy and stop freaking out!

Sophie is DNA tested, and definitely a girl. We just were lucky she never has been hormonal. ( maybe a little if making love to my sons feet counts!) Nancy

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Hehe, I'll box him up in the morning and ship him out, LOL.


I have my days where I think about throwing in the towel then Charlie will go and do something sweet. Complete polar opposites my birds are, the grey and caique. People used to warn me about the caique but he's really relaxed. He IS a DNA tested boy, Charlie thouh I am not sure. Given his ups and downs my wife calls him a girl.:rolleyes:

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Aww...hang in there! Charlie will amaze you i am sure! Sophie just lost her " painter". Done painting the outside of the house. She LOVED climbing in any window to chew his ear off.I am trying to remain strong and not get her a friend! She has Ollie, but he is getting more tired as he ages, and is not as entertaining as he use to be. Nancy

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