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Hi, New to forum, but not to parrots :-)

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Just wanted to make an intro post. I have a 23-y-o B&G macaw and a 24-y-o CAG, both raised by me as babies. I live alone and they are my family!


Even though I've been a mum to my Grey, Bayli, for 24 years, SHE is the one in control of me. She bites for fun and goes for blood. The only reason I haven't been bit in a couple years is because I watch her body language and moods and I'm careful to be very alert to them! Bayli is super intelligent, talks a lot (is bi-lingual), plays a lot in her cage, eats well (and throws what she doesn't want all over the walls) and seems generally happy. She loves (asks) to get head scratches and beak kisses, but ONLY while she's in her cage (through the bars). I wouldn't DARE try either of those when she's out of her cage or I'd be back in the Emergency Room (again).


My B&G is out of her cage all the time when I'm home, but Bayli only comes out sometimes, if she's in the mood, and NEVER while the B&G is out. (If Bayli is in the mood to come out, I put my B&G back safely in the cage). My B&G is cuddly and a sweetie, but Bayli will attack her if she has a chance. Bayli is still jealous of the B&G even after 23 years!


I named my B&G "Mika". Bayli was 18 months old when I brought Mika home (still in an incubator). When Mika was old enough to begin coming out of the incubator for short periods of time, Bayli would give the evil eye and say "Here comes trouble". Bayli would say that every time Mika was out of the incubator. During this time, I was careful to give Bayli lots of attention so she wouldn't feel "replaced" by the new baby B&G. (Bayli was well socialised and even went to work with me). When Mika was old enough to be out of the incubator and in a regular cage, Bayli would look at her several time a day and yell, "trouble!"


To make a long story short, by the time Mika was old enough to talk she thought her name was "trouble" because Bayli kept saying that to her, (even though I always called her "Mika"). One day I picked her up and said, "Hi Mika!" (like I always did). Mika, who had never spoken before, said "bubble!" I laughed and said "Mika!". Mika said "bubble!". She obviously thought her name was "trouble" but couldn't pronounce it so it came out as "bubble". Mika kept repeating "bubble! bubble!" (the only word she said). Then Bayli started calling her "Bubble".


So, my Grey, Bayli, named my B&G "Bubble". I kept trying to get both of them to say "Mika", but it was two against one. They outnumbered me. They won. 23 years later, my B&G is still "Bubble" and never did say "Mika".



Edited by zeevah
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Thank you murfchck and Nancy! :)


Nancy, If I could change anything it would be to have more control with Bayli. She's VERY strong willed. For example, for the last month and a half she has REFUSED to step up. That's one thing she ALWAYS did since she was a baby. Then suddenly she just refused. She wouldn't step up on my arm or a perch. Absolutely nothing has changed at home, so I don't know what caused it. That's never happened in 24 years. There was no point in trying to force her or I'd have a shredded arm. So, for six weeks she never came out of her cage. I knew if I left the door open she would have come out, but since she was refusing to step up I wouldn't have been able to put her back. I kept trying (every few days) but she would glare and put her head forward and I knew to back off. Finally 3 days ago I tried again and she happily stepped up. I put her on the play stand and she was happy there. At bedtime I asked her to step up and she did with no problem, but when I took her to her cage she refused to step down. Again, I knew not to try to force her or I wouldn't have an arm. I offered to set her on the open door and she immediately stepped up but wouldn't go inside. Her carrier was on a table that she could reached if she stretched hard enough. When I heard her playing with the carrier door swinging it back and forth, I brought it closer to her. She climbed inside to play in it so I put the carrier (with Bayli inside) into her cage. Good thing the carrier just happened to be there or I don't know how I could have (safely) got her back in her cage. I've tried clicker training her and she absolutely loves it! She thinks it's a great game to play. But even using the clicker and target stick wouldn't get her to step up. *sigh*

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