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Skin Condition


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We think our litle boy is molting, but not sure as it looks a bit weird. It's on the back of his head and the feathers have thinned out. Does anyone know if this is the case or is it something different. We have tried to bath him but he hates it and the last time we did it was a week ago and he got totally wet. I'm just not sure if this is a dry skin condition and not molting. I have attached pictures of what it looks like. DSC00270_1.gif


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Yes, that's a molting area. Sometimes, that area looks a little worse than other areas that are also molting at the same time. Excessive itching along with the accompanying scratching can make an area look worse. A parrot who is molting will most of the time, pull at old feathers with their beak to dislodge them. If the bird was a plucker, you'd see obvious signs of damage. The reason your bird looks like that is because that's one of the few areas that can't be handled or preened by the beak so what the bird does if it's itchy is scratch at it intensely with his/her claws. Moisten the area with a little water daily or if you're really worried put a little dab of aloe vera gel on it. It'll sink in and calm the skin down. Doesn't really look bad at all. Nice looking bird you have there. Don't get nervous.

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Thanks for the reply and you are right we are nervous because we have only had him for 3 months and have to get used to all the phases that he will go through. I put water on it this morning and the Aloe Vera. Our bird must think we are nuts because we scrutinise him most days to make sure everyhting is ok and see what changes are going on. I guess over time we will relax a bit more :)

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Thanks for posting that Jane and also thanks to MrSpock for the answer. :-)


Dayo is going on 7 Months and we noticed he is very dry in that same spot when we give him scratches, which he loves immensely. We spray him with Aloe every other day and its still not moist. Maybe be time to put some gel on that area then then for Dayo.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/13 14:51

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