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help-baby girls bleeding feather


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need advice on feathers babygirl has just hurt herself trying to fly the feather is hanging and bleeding not alot but what do i do? can someone also direct me to a site where i can learn about this subject so im not in this situation again

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Panic over!!! this bird is going to be the death of me:laugh: after following makenas cornstarch advice;) i made the mistake of putting babygirl back in her cage whilst i read wot to do next the thought of having to pull feather made me feel:ohmy:sick(wot if i caused more probs)well anyway i needed to have a look at her but couldnt get her out of cage she wouldnt let me (previous post babygirl explains our declining realasionship)i had to leave room while my hubby coaxed her out with cup of tea and remote control:laugh: she was growling at me as i held her up to check but i couldnt see the injured feather? i thought she had pulled it out herself so we searched to find it:laugh:we couldnt find it,puzzled,i asked her to fly as she lifted her wings i could see the injured feather it was tucked under her it must have been sore as she didnt flap her wings,i knew id have to towel her to have a look but she freaks and as a novice owner i think im hurting her when she screams and obviously from past experiences she assosiates towelling with bad things:pinch:

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after i took her to quiet room i managed to towel her but then had the prob of trying to keep her calm whilst holding her head and trying to look at her wing(im sure youve all been therw at one time:laugh:)well !!the quick glimpse that i got showed no bleeding and as she was fighting with me i just let her be.Idid play peek-a-boo on the bed with her for 10mins just to prove to her that towelling can be fun and she tolerated this though very warily.Back on her cage shes chatting away oblivious to the fact that her mom was in panic mode.As for the feather! i think i will let the vet take a look.

Thanks again makena for responding so quickly;)

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