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it's almost here and I am so excited


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as well I have few questions about the way he is maturing .....

Storm my TAG is going to be 3 years old in a few hours. This hatchday has me super excited with no understanding of why lol.


However I do have some questions about his behaviour, I had thought that TAGS do not mature until about 5, but about 2-3 months ago I was shocked about his behaviour that have me puzzled:


1) Clearly I am the chosen one, I am pretty sure I knew this just after we got him. He does the neck thing you know the up and down action and then the next thing I know he has left me a little gross gift, he tends to leave it on the couch when he is there, but a few times he has so badly tried to leave it in my ear. I suspect I may have hurt his little birdie feelings a few times with the disgust and horror. I knew it could happen and I knew it probably would, but he wasn't quite 3 at the time it started so it caught me off guard.


I have read to not pet his back and since I have never done that anyway but honestly only because he hates it, he hate his toes touched also. But he now he lifts a wing ever so slightly as if he is asking me to pet under his wings, I haven't obliged because I am thinking it may be a hormonal thing because he typically hates it, is that right? I have also made it dark in the house at the same time it got dark in the winter months so he wasn't getting longer days as I was told to limit daylight hours because that is what starts the hormones...is that accurate advice?


2) he seems to be so desperate for attention (not like he gets it all day long most of the time) but now he is only wanting more at night and will sit on the arm of the couch and put his head down asking for scritches, if I do not do it fast enough for his liking he twists his neck around and then of course I laugh hysterically and can't help doing what he is asking (it IS the funniest thing ever to see his head the way it is and it makes his feet look like they are on backwards lol. is this hormones or is he just needy?


Is he not to young to have hormonal behaviour? is that even what all that is?...


I also want to know about how long a molt takes? it seems like he is losing feathers everyday but we have never had a big pile of feathers which is what I was kind of expecting it just seems to lose a few everyday rather then a proper molt...is this normal?


Last one, I was told to feed him aloe juice, I can't find that in my town and I cannot seem to find any online that are 100% aloe, most have just citric acid and aloe. Will the citric acid harm him? I can find an aloe juice drink but given the list of the many ingredients I am assuming this is NOT what I want?


I do have facebook and post there more often than anywhere, I also keep pics of him, an update about the craziest thing he has done on any given day etc etc...he recently even tolerated me recording him, he normally gets really tall and thin, you know the look when they are scared or nervous when the camera comes out and he goes silent, like dead silent. If you want to add me, I will accept, my name is Barb Leigh, my picture is of a kid wearing a mardi gras type mask

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Hey Barb, I just sent you a friend request on Facebook. My name is Marguerite Rendering, so you'll know who I am.


I don't know who told you to feed him aloe juice but I've never heard that. Many of us here use aloe juice in a spray bottle to shower our birds, especially when they're molting and they've got a bad case of the itches. I've heard many member here say they find it in the medicine section of WalMart. It's sold as a remedy for stomach troubles I think. As for molting, I know Dorian tends to lose feathers at a slower pace. He'll lose a wing feather from one side, than one from the other side will drop. At its worst he'll start looking a little scaggley, but he's never lost a ton of feathers at one time.


Dorian's done the head bobbing/regurg dance for me ever since I got him at the age of 3 1/2 when he made it clear he'd chosen me as his new mommy. You're right not to touch him anywhere that may be stimulating, even if it is a little early for it to be hormones. Why get in the habit? You're also right to keep his days short in the summer. They need their 10-12 hours sleep a night. Honestly, it sounds like you're doing everything right. Are you spoiling him for his hatchday? Then again, how would that be different than a normal day, right? lol

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I buy my pure aloe juice at the Wall Mart pharmacy in the 1/2 or 1 gallon jug.

I add a teaspoon of aloe to their drinking water.

Each of my birds has a bathtub in their cage all the time and I add aloe to them also.

They will also drink from their bathtub.

Aloe is good for them internally and externally.

Good for you too.

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