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Reactions to colour


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Hello everyone. Just a quick question and any responses will be helpful.I am doing some research on how colours evoke different behaviors. I have been working with two african greys, and have results, but would love some anecdotal evidence that could either support or appose my findings.


Have any of you guys ever noticed your greys reacting to colours from clothing, enrichment, food, anything.


I would really appreciate any type of response.


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Well, that would be fun!


Just a note of caution tho - some greys might be afraid of something because of a negative experience / scary experience from a previous owner!


My grey, Echo, doesn't like ANY nail polish on my fingernails, so I don't wear any or she tries to pull my nails off

She doesn't like black baseball caps, but any other colour is fine

She doesn't like a plain boring hemp coloured boing, it is has to be multi-coloured


I've had Echo since she was about 5 months old ... and she hasn't had any other owners, or "traumatic" experiences ... so her likes / dislikes are personality - not "fear" based from consequences

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Timber does not like orange. He was terrified of the mini pumpkin I bought for him the first year he was with me. I've noticed since that he doesn't like orange toys either. He will, however, eat cooked sweet potatoes. Maybe size has something to do with it.

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I don't think there's any colours that Alfie is adverse to. I can't think of any time that he has reacted badly to something simply because of its colour. He's always been surrounded by different colours and I've never noticed him preferring or disliking certain colours.

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With all the many things that are apt to get a reaction from Miss Gilbert we have had no incidents related to color of objects. However... perhaps the way she scurries across her cage playtop to race for the cover of safety inside her cage whenever I am near may be an indication she does not like my particular color of human. Mmmm, can't be, hubby is the same shade, gray hairs and all.

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