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New 5 month old baby, need help


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We just got a new baby grey that is 5 months old, i already have a 2 yr old grey who isn't easy, just started accepting me touching him after an year with me.

I know the experts here can help me out in two problems i am facing:


1. The baby keeps trying to fly, though he is clipped, specially whenever he is perched on height which we r trying to avoid as much as possible as we are afraid that he might crash and hurt himself. Tried keeping him in the cage but then he will keep trying to come out and thats more scary as he is not very good at climbing in his cage, keeps bumping here and there.


2. The baby loves to climb up onto our older grey's cage, and perch near him., while h hates it and tries to attack, i tried keeping the baby's cage at another corner of the room but that didn't help. I dont want to keep them in separate rooms because i want them to bond overtime. Can anyone tell me how to go about it?


Thanks in advance :)

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It seems to me that you can only have out of cafe time separately for now. Your baby needs to be able to grow and learn to fly. It will take time for them to adjust to each other , lots of time. You can't force it or expect they will even bond. I have 2 greys, and they won't ever bond, they tolerate each other but that's it.

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I have to greys, a TAG, 6 years old and a CAG, 4 years old. I have had them both since weaning. They are not friends and do not bond or even talk to each other. When the CAG was younger the TAG "mothered" him but now that he is older forget about it. They do not fight and the CAG will follow the TAG for room to room. My TAG, the female and older is the boss. She is much smaller than my monsterous CAG.

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They may never bond and may never be able to have out of cage time together. Of course there are always exceptions. I would pad the area around the baby's cage and the bottom of the cage with old towels/blankets. It will mean some extra laundry but better than a broken keel bone. I know you don't want to move them to separate rooms but with baby climbing on your older greys cage baby could lose a toe or worse and it can happen soooo fast... One important thing. Make sure you always tend to your older grey first in all things, greeting, changing food water. It will help minimize any potential jealousy.

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My opinon only but I believe it's because they've picked who they want to be their only one and that's usually a human in the case of a captive Grey. In our case GreycieMae definitely prefers me but also interacts with my wife but will get shitty with her sometimes and territorial over me. Our Caique is the same way - prefers my wife and gets nasty with me but on occasion I am allowed to have fun with him.

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Being in captivity... is sooo different then being in the wild! I try to mimmick their normal habitat, as best I can! We follow " open cage" concept. Sophie has her own room, her cage is never closed. BUT... she can fly in her room, but can only fly up, to bedrooms if we are home. She can't go to the kitchen or family room unless me or Sean open the doors. The doors are open, once we are there.

Greys are dominant. They want to rule. Sophie rules, and has always bossed my dogs, guinea pigs, other birds. She is quite fair. She doesn't boss me, because she understands I am the leader of the pack! She thinks everyone is part of her family, and is always concerned about everyone's safety.

If I introduced another grey,her " status", would be challenged! It would stress her... and thats a stress she doesn't need.I love that Sophie LOVES herself,and always consider new members in our family. Sophie will never be challenged! Nancy

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