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One year ago today

Ray P

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It was one year ago today that I lost Cricket when she flew to the Rainbow Bridge.

There has not been a day in the last year that I haven`t shed a tear for my loved zon.

Things that I remember.

When ever we came home from shopping or even when we came in from being out in the backyard she would jump up and down on her perch and yell Hi, Hi, Hi Cricket, Cricket Hi, Hi until we came over and said hi back to her.

When she came out of her cage she would climb up to my shoulder and coo in my ear.

When she was on my shoulder she would put her head down for head scratches for long periods of time.

Sitting on my shoulder for hours preening her feathers and rubbing her head on my cheek.

Climbing all over my body like I was her personal play stand.

Our quiet times together.

I will shed a tear or more each day for a long time yet as I miss her so much.

For all of you that have zons, give your zon an extra hugs for me.

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It doesn't seem possible that a year has passed Ray. It seems like a blink of an eye that she was with you, bringing a very special kind of zon acceptance and love. From your posts and videos we got a glimpse of unconditional love. I enjoyed everything about her life with you.

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Oh Ray, I am at a loss for words. I feel your pain as Nilah is very nice like Cricket, although minus the baggage and hurdles you helped Cricket overcome to be the best loving companion possible. You two had a bond like Nilah and I, even more so. Your post really hits home and is quite emotional for me.

My heart breaks for your pain, as I know from the bond I have with Nilah, it will never stop hurting. I just hope one day Cricket, as she looks down on you, will let you know if another Amazon ever cross your path that is belongs with you.

Love to you and Crickets memory,

xoxoxoxox <3

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