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Probably something that only those who live with a companion parrot would appreciate


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Sadly my Mother who was 94 years old unexpectedly passed away last weekend. So naturally I have been very low. Misty my Grey parrot is clearly very empathic. He has also been a little subdued. He hasn't been his usual mischievous self. But he is still showing his affection. He has spent much of his time either on my shoulder on sitting on my knee. Sometimes soliciting scritches. The other night I was sitting and watching the TV and Misty flew over and perched on my hand which was just lying on my chest. Normally when he does this it is to give gentle beaks on my lips. But this time he raised his shoulders a little and bobbed his head with little "huffing" sounds. And then he began to regurgitate. Only a little and I offered my other hand to receive it. The thing is, in the Grey world this is a sign of great affection. It wasn't the full on mating display. It was just his way to express his affection for me in my sad time. I don't know if he understood what had happened. He had met my Mother severalf years ago when we stayed with her as I was in between homes. It was she who seemed to help him understand what "Cuppa tea" means to humans. I think he also got "Bed time" from her. She would say that when she retired for the night. :) I think he knew something was up and he wanted to cheer me up. It meant a lot to me. I am pretty sure that if it was a girlfriend who threw up over me I would take a different view :rolleyes:



Steve n Mistyparrot

Edited by Mistyparrot
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So sorry for your loss. I know for sure that parrots can pick up on our moods and sympathize/empathize with us when we're feeling low. Misty may not know what's going on specifically, but he knows you're sad and he's doing what he can to make you feel better. I'm glad he's there for you.

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