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I recently purchased a 6 year old timneh and im having a hard time understanding his behavior for the most part he doesn't bite me anymore but when he steps up on my hand he turns in circles and makes this squeaking sound I don't know if this means he's nervous or what? Also I can't get him to step down can someone please advise me because im very confused

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It would be great if you could upload video, but from your description it actually sounds like it could be a mating demonstration. I have a bird

trying to get on my hand for the same reason right now. Is he holding his wings slightly away from his body and bobbing his head up and down? If he is, congratulations, he loves you. Now you have to discourage his more amorous feelings. They can lead to frustration on his part which can then turn into behaviour problems. For now, if you have to step him up use it for transport only and get him off your hand before the behaviour starts. Stop all petting. Don't touch him anywhere but the top of his head, and I'd discourage even that right now. My Dorian has been waking up "in the mood" for a while now, and he gets worse when he's on my desk, so I've had to limit desk time. BTW, the head bobbing is him trying to regurgitate for you, just so you're warned. If this doesn't sound like what he's doing, please elaborate on your description.

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Seems like a happy little guy to me. Spins around to show his joy and he seems very comfortable to me. Enjoy. Would love to see some video/pictures of this little love ball.


My male CAG, raises his wings and draws them up and down for me when I ask him if he wants out of his cage. He is then a very spirited guy.

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Another thing I thought about... with a rehomed bird you don't know what training they have had. I've seen lots of videos with people training their birds to turn in a circle (why I'm not really sure). Makes me wonder if this is a "trick" he was taught.

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I'm thinking he is excited and happy! Move away from the cage, give a tour of the house and explain all your rooms. When stressed, return to cage. As far as not stepping down,I went thru that too and discovered... deposit bird on the floor right in front of their cage.Make sure you tell them how much fun you had! Nancy

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