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Someone Help With Isaac


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I second the red palm oil. I am so sorry you have to go through this. My guy started to shred his feathers at around a year old. My vet said to get him outside in the sun 15 minutes a day and to give him an cooked organic chicken bone once a week, and he hasn't mistreated his feathers since. I also give him an all-organic diet and do not give him ANY processed foods like cereal, pasta, cake, cookies, or chips.


The thing is this, I had a Quaker, who didn't just pluck, she MUTILATED, for 18 years. I did not know the importance of sunlight or organic food when I had her and I feel bad about it. She was the sweetest bird in the world and I loved her so much! I am the same person with the same temperament and now I have a Grey, who is even more sensitive, and he does not pluck anymore. He also gets organic red palm oil pellets from Harrisons and ORPO on his moist food mix. His food consists of cut up organic fruits and vegetables and an organic grain and seed vegetable mix with organic red palm oil. He gets organic nuts and dried fruits too. I do not worry about fat--ever.


Do they make garments for birds to keep them from plucking? I wish with all of my heart that I could make this problem go away for you. I know you love your grey.

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I second the red palm oil. I am so sorry you have to go through this. My guy started to shred his feathers at around a year old. My vet said to get him outside in the sun 15 minutes a day and to give him an cooked organic chicken bone once a week, and he hasn't mistreated his feathers since. I also give him an all-organic diet and do not give him ANY processed foods like cereal, pasta, cake, cookies, or chips.


The thing is this, I had a Quaker, who didn't just pluck, she MUTILATED, for 18 years. I did not know the importance of sunlight or organic food when I had her and I feel bad about it. She was the sweetest bird in the world and I loved her so much! I am the same person with the same temperament and now I have a Grey, who is even more sensitive, and he does not pluck anymore. He also gets organic red palm oil pellets from Harrisons and ORPO on his moist food mix. His food consists of cut up organic fruits and vegetables and an organic grain and seed vegetable mix with organic red palm oil. He gets organic nuts and dried fruits too. I do not worry about fat--ever.


Do they make garments for birds to keep them from plucking? I wish with all of my heart that I could make this problem go away for you. I know you love your grey.



I shall try 15 minutes of direct sun and a chicken leg from time to time. I'll let ya know. He has left em alone for three weeks now. Not a single mishap. With no changes at all. I will see if this helps keep him on the straight and narrow. He's been known to leave himself alone for a couple months.

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I LOVE chezron's suggestions! Give it a try. Sophie loves her chicken ( a small piece, daily!) Sophie has a chair in direct sunlight that she LOVES to sit in.If your baby can leave his feathers alone for three weeks, think of hiring a babysitter that can come in, play and read to your bird, and watch for over preening. Sophie certainly tried to overpreen years ago, but we had 24/7 coverage. Telling her to " knock it off", letting her know we didn't appreciate the behavior, I am sure helped. But its not the normal, to have the coverage. I think the time of NOT over preening is a good time to change things up. Nancy

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