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Romo update


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We've had Romo for only a month, but it seems like he's been part of our lives forever. Now that we have the food thing figured out - he looks forward to his food and eats some of everything I give him. He has also turned into a little snugglebird - nestling under my chin in the evenings before bed, and loves having his neck and head rubbed. He actually pushes his head into my cupped hand for scritches.


It also seems like he is trying to talk, when I am in another room, I hear him trying out all kinds of new sounds, from high pitched to very low mumbles.


He is really smart, and has figured out how to escape from his cage at will - so we'll need to install some additional closures to keep him from getting out, he manages to open the feed door locks whenever he wants out. So far, we have just made sure that the house is "Romo proofed" every time we go somewhere, in case he gets out. He just always goes on top of his playstand when he does get out, so it isn't like he goes exploring. Only 5 months old and he is so precocious!

Just loving our little Grey! {Feel-good-00020114}

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