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Ready to Go Downstairs!


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So I woke up this morning and did my usual routine before going to open Sully's cage which is right down the hall from where I was. I was getting washed up when I heard Sully calling from down the hall "Want to go downstairs? Want to go stairs?" It was too funny since he had never said this before. As soon as I walked into the room he greeted me with a "Good morning," lifting his little foot ready to be picked up all the while chanting "Want to go downstairs?" :) He can always make me smile lol

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Well let's go! LOL! I LOVE how Sophie always has that foot up and ready! Lets go! Many times I have to getup at 430 am... she has that foot up and ready, but she is half asleep! I give her a big kiss... tell her I'm gonna shower, and get you up when I am done. ( I am sure she appreciates another half hour, and never argues!) LOL Nancy

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So I woke up this morning and did my usual routine before going to open Sully's cage which is right down the hall from where I was. I was getting washed up when I heard Sully calling from down the hall "Want to go downstairs? Want to go stairs?" It was too funny since he had never said this before. As soon as I walked into the room he greeted me with a "Good morning," lifting his little foot ready to be picked up all the while chanting "Want to go downstairs?" :) He can always make me smile lol


When you would go for Sully in the morning did you say "Want to go downstairs? and he picked it up ? Or did he seem to invent the phrase? After I had Misty for about six months he would say "Can I come out" to come out of his cage. I do not remember saying that to him. I would have said "Want to come out". He may have learned it from his former paronts but they said no. Besides he uses my voice. I love it when they put words together to make a request or to comment. But It is strange. Things that I expect him to learn he rarely does and yet he is obviously capable choosing what he wants to say. I love to hear him turn words and phrases over. It is clear that are not just meaningless mimicry. In his mind he is also thinking of a context. Not always the context we expect though. For example when Misty wants to share my food or give him a snack his word is "Stopp it" I don't know why but he has stuck with it for ten years. I have suggested other words more appropriate but he won't use them. They can be quite willful and stubborn at times but never boring and always a delght to be with.


I also love the raised foot request. I just cannot refuse him :-)


Steve n Misty

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