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Newsroom Moderator Danmcq!


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I am happy to announce that Danmcq is the moderator of the Newsroom! As you know, this will be a difficult job, but Dan has proven himself over and above in the Off-Topics Room. I have no doubt he will do the same in the Newsroom! I know he has some ideas to add to this room. I look forward to seeing what he has in mind. :P


CONGRATULATIONS DAN! {Communicate-0002011B}

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Congratulations, Dan, I know you will do an excellent job with that room. You have already shown you are excellent mod material with the off-topics room and I expect nothing less from you now.


You have been a wonderful friend to me also, and everyone here can expect the same friendliness, humor, knowledge, understanding, opinionated helpfulness out of you like I have enjoyed.:P


I look forward to a long friendship with you on this site and our lives here will be so blessed with your knowledge and humor, keep up the good work.


Love you,


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lovemyGreys wrote:

:laugh: you tell us :P


(((sigh))) Ok, well I hate to take on the atmosphere of the well known tabloids, but here's the latest dirt..


MRSpock and Judy (Honey buns he calls her) have been VERY quite lately on the Forum due to their having secretly eloped and have been posting from their get away hide out in Cabo San Lucas.


Talon met Tod Nugent (Long Hair crazy) at the Ken Globus seminar and they have been jetting around the country together on his gigs since.


Makena and MakenasDad are really under-cover mad scientists that are secretly developing a "Super Grey" breed that they will breed and slowly take over the world with their new loyal genetically altered Super Luftewaffe Flock.


That's all for now. I know you guys must all be in shock and awe. So I will wait to break the latest news on CeasarsDad, LoveMyGreys, BrainsMom Aka Beccy and Nevada Joe... just to mention a few buzz names ;-)

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Your right.. We've found desired unique traits in Makena that we are attempting to isolate - after talking to dblhelix, I don't think it will be difficult to do via DNA and a few generations later. We'll have a super CAG before we know it!!! This is if we don't have to abort and go to plan B...

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Mazzeltov Danmcq :)


Look out for a mission the greyforums will send you to hollywood for the latest juicy gossips :laugh:


(although I must admit that piece of news you wrote above could easily make it to the hollywood tabloids itself :laugh: )

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Ok FairY - I'm in assignment now ;-)


The others silence is very suspicious.......


Except for that evil pair Makena and Makenasdad...hmmmmmm makes one wonder what those two have come up with now B)


Dan - Over and out here in HollyWeird - Back to you FairY :-)

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