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old bird, new home?


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hi can some one give some advice to me to pass onto a friend of mine plaese.he already has a parrot and its very tame but his elderly neighbour has asked him to do something very special for her, she has a grey and as just found out she has terminal cancer her grey is round about 55years old and the lady is all the parrot knows she has asked if when she dies can he take her grey and take good care of him.he is very willing but also very dubious as he does'nt no how her grey will react to moving from the owner hes had so long.will he get depressed?start plucking ?or show symptems of a broken heart and make himself poorly? or will he just slip into a new life quite easily? i feel so sorry for my friend as he doesnt want to let her down but he also doesnt want the grey to die on him soon after its owner. as he said he would feel like he failed her.what should he do for the best please help thanx :unsure:

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Only your friend and the Greys present owner could determine if the new owner would be a "Match". Your friend should go and visit with the Grey (if possible) and let them get to know one another.


It is so good to hear of a devoted Grey owner such as this, that even when faced with certain death, their life long companion is one of the first considerations in their mind. It is also great to hear your friend is willing to do so.


That Grey may readily accept a new home and owner or may not. It just depends on the Greys personality. But, the bottom line is, no matter what, the Grey will be going to a new home regardless.


So if your friend has the love and compassion for Parrots required, he could accept the responsibility with no reservations or conditions and just provide a good loving home for this poor Grey for the rest of it's life, no matter what.


That's what rescue and adoption is all about, in my book. :-)

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I totaly agree she should go visit the bird as often as he can until the woman passes away I think if she get to know the parrot well enough it will be less diffacult transission later and the bird is not stupid they can sense when something is not right so he will probubly relize that he's about to lose his only mate he will grieve thats normal but if your friend is willing to get to know the bird before this happens and tell the bird that he's going to come home with him soon and explain everything to the bird this bird has lived 55 years I'm sure it knows the english language very well and can understand a lot of what people are talking about don't leave him out of this and he will probubly be fine Pat

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That is exactly what I did when I first got Red. She was 13 years old and had been living with her current family for 10 years! I went and visited her 4 times once a week for about 2 hours until the last time I brought her home. In fact I highly recommend doing this to anyone that plans to rescue or adopt a bird!


You are about to turn this whole birds world upside down, new sights, sounds, smells, foods, people, animals, etc etc. The very best thing for it would be to have a familiar face, something it had seen before. I noticed that Red did have a slight funk once I brought her home, but I associate it to her moving not for losing her prior owners. She was cage bound for 10 years, she was finally able to have 3+ hours out of her cage everyday, eat something other than sunflower seeds, and I think she was so excited about her new found freedom, he "recovery" time was very short LOL


I think if your friend has the commitment to do this, he wil be fine, but I would most definitely tell him to go and visit the bird anything that will help!

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What a sad story.Your friend has to do what he feels is right for both birds.There is no reason why he shouldnt take the grey in, but it may not be simple as the grey is old & will be attatched to the current owner & set in his ways.If it was me i would consider visiting the grey to see if he could establish a friendship & let the grey become fimiliar with your friend,If possible could your friend take his grey for a visit to,keeping them in seperate cages etc..see what reactions each grey has.

Both greys could live happily in seperate cages,after time they may be let out together with close supervision on the other hand they may not get on & will have to come out at seperate times.It really is a lot to consider & how much time your friend has to give both birds.

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