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Remembrance Sunday


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Remembrance Sunday is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today. On this day people across the nation pause to reflect on the sacrifices made by our brave Service men and women.


Please spare a few minutes to reflect & say a prayer for all those servicemen & woman across the nation serving today & all those who sacrificed their lives.

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Thanks for starting this topic LMG :-)


It is Veterans Day here in the USA also and many parades, memorials and observances take place today honoring and recognizing the sacrifices made for the freedoms we all have come to know.


We owe it to all of those brave honorable service members that made it all possible in the past and also to those still laying down their lives today for this same purpose.


I am a Veteran and know there are others here too, such as NevJoe. We are still amongst the living, but we never forget our buddies and those in the past that are not.


Many do not realize this simple reality, but we are always only ONE GENERATION away from it all changing, if these truths and values are not transmitted to our next up-coming generation.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/11 15:58

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