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Starting this post to get some thoughts/information on spices and herbs (not the smoking kind). As a former Chef I know that these are used for all kinds of purpose. Spice, in culinary world typically refers to the seed/fruit or root of a plant while herb is the leaf/flower of the plant. For example Coriander the spice is the seed from the coriander plant which is also where we get Cilantro (leaf/stem). The Dill plant is another example. Anyway, my general question centers around use, are there any favorites, are there any health benefits or do the birds even care? Thanks!!

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Birds have different taste buds than us. Parrots, from Budgies to Macaws love hot peppers. Fresh parsley is a big favorite. Cinnamon, too. My guys like 5 spice powder on their oatmeal. Many people give their birds pasta with tomato sauce/gravy on it. (If you're Italian, it's gravy, if not, it's sauce). I mention that because there is a bunch of spices there. I do not eat pasta, so my birds get theirs plain (whole wheat) with their veggies. I do cook a lot of Asian food, and they get Asian spices with that. Stay away from the Alliums (onions, shallots, chives, etc.) . Salt is also not good for birds. Check the Toxic Foods lists for birds, here and online, for other things to avoid. There are many herbs & spices that you can give them, but, moderation is the key. Cook their food with a light hand.

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Paprika has vitamins A & C and lots of Carotenoids--(this is describing for people) the pigments that give it its deep red color. Its lutein and zeaxanthin content benefits your eyesight by preventing harmful light rays from damaging your eye tissues, while its vitamin A content aids in night vision and plays a role in healthy cell development. A tablespoon of paprika contains 3,349 international units of vitamin A -- more than 100 percent of the daily intake requirement for men and women, set by the Institute of Medicine. While, as of September 2013, the Institute of Medicine has not set a recommended daily intake, consuming 12 milligrams daily improves eyesight, reports the American Optometric Association. Each serving of paprika has 1.3 milligrams of lutein and zeaxanthin, or 11 percent of this goal.

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I think I am going to increase my intake as my eyes are starting to feel their age!! What a wealth of information!!! As for Onyeka, he seems to love cooked sweet potato and acorn squash with cinnamon, now I can offer weekly varieties!!! This is exactly what I had hoped for with this thread! Thank you very much for your research!!

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I appreciate you Greywings for your nutrient nerdiness! LOL

Sophie appreciates me for my grilling....she is the first one at the table! The only thing I deprive her of... is spaghetti sauce. Other than that, she eats, what we eat. She always compliments me, and carries on and on how happy she is! LOL! ( kids should learn how to be so appreciative!) I'm not a big spice cooker, but I am sure Sophie would eat almost anything. She cares more for the " family dynamics!" Nancy

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Rosemary-another herb that is good for you and your bird. It contains antioxidants and anti inflammatory compounds and has been found improve brain function and fight off free radical damage in the brain with Carnosic acid. Also supports eye health and is under study as an agent to fight Macular degeneration. Rosemary oil is also being investigated as an herbal approach to fighting tumors. More studies are looking into it being a tool against Type 2 Diabetes. It is a member of the mint family and is from the Mediterranean coastal region.

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Greywings.... come cook for us!!! Why don't you have your own site on this forum with all the info you have? I know basics for greys with cooking... but would LOVE to know more from you! Talk to Talon. I think it would be amazing... I would DEFINITELY stop and read! I'm not the best cook in the world ( Sophie begs to differ), but I do want to cook healthy for my girl Nancy

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