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Seriously Conflicted....

VStar Mama

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This is the video that started it...

and then went to this

and a few others as youtube oh so helpfully gave me similar videos to check out....


Part of me squee'd and giggled in glee with visions of combining my love of parrots and my love of motorcycle riding. I used to ride my bike around the neighborhood with my Budgie on my shoulder.


But I am not one to avoid the obvious......Motorcycle riding is dangerous. So many factors remain outside of the rider control and there is 100% chance of a rider getting injured in a wreck. I've had a few minor involuntary dismounts and the accompanying bruises (no road rash...I am 100% ATGATT and no wreck bad enough to break bones ...knock on wood...).


I'm not gonna lie...I would so love to do this....but I am not on board with exposing my future bird companion to the dangers inherent in motorcycling.


If only there were some way to make everyone in this town stop driving..... :)

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It must in some way give that feeling of flying, but as hubby did a stint as a volunteer Fire Fighter and EMT I would never want any one to ride a motor cycle especially not birds. Brains just don't go back in a busted cranium. Had a cyclist loose it in front of us luckily it was in a parking lot, laid it down on himself when he lost control on the wet pavement. Scary stuff

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Having worked for the SPCA, I'd say that's potentially animal cruelty. While the driver is protected with leathers, helmet, etc., the bird has no protection. If the wind caught him, or he slipped and fell, whatever, he'd have no protection. I don't like any of that. There was recently a case where a driver of a car drove around with an Eclectus Parrot on his windshield wipers. The bird was exposed to the wind, and the driver insisted that the bird felt like he was flying. I believe that driver is still in jail. This is not a good thing. If the bird was startled and didn't fall off the bike, he may fly into the face of the driver, obstructing his view, and hampering his movements. No, I do not like any of this sort of thing.

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Seriously disturbing video. Of course people probably wouldn't agree with my riding my birds on my Townie bike either. But we're noodling along at 5-10mph, short leashed harnessed and I can flat foot at anytime (Townies are designed that way). Our biggest danger is the dogs we come across. I never trust their owners have a firm grip so we steer wide and clear unless it's a yap dog that I can kick through the uprights if needed.

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Don't get me wrong ! I only said I'd like to do it....not that I will. I agree that the road is too dangerous to take a bird out on the M/C. To each their own choices. These owners are okay with that and I'm not gainsaying or nay saying their choices, just that I would love to but can't ignore the dangers.


Guess I'll just have to fix up the old pedal bike when this bridge can be crosssed.

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My oldest, owns a motorcycle! ( we can only keep them safe up to a certain point!). BUT.... as crazy as it sounds, Sophie is my third child... and she is NOT capable of making a safety decision, so it is up to us as a family to keep her safe, which of course, we always do! Its the difference of having a " pet ", vs a family member. Nancy

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