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me sick = he sick??


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Hello to all my fellow grey feather lovers


I have been seriously sick the last few days. I had a horrible flu virus that had me pinned down to my bed for 5 looooong days.


While I was sick, the thought came to me, can we pass our flu viruses to our birds? Or any other kinds of sicknesses for that matter? Does anyone know? I was hesitant to play with Mozart while I was sick cause I was not sure about this.


He is so sweet though, it was like he knew I was sick. Every time I came to the cage to great him, he would be very gentle in the way he responded to me.


Such amazing creatures they are!!!!

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I don't know the science behind what particular bacteria/viruses can be contracted. BUT, when I'm sick, I don't hang around them very much if at all. I wash my hands VERY good with antibacterial soap/water before feeding them, and then simply don't hang around the cage at all - or handle/cuddle/kiss them. It's SOO hard to do, especially because they look at you like they're missing you, but it's for their health.. What does everyone else do when they're sick? I'm kind of curious too!

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Usually, my wife does all of the important things that would require close contact, but I don't get sick very much. I never had any kind of flu. I may get a cold 2x a year and it usually lasts for about 7 to 10 days. There's really not much a person can but if a person is diligent and careful, usually the bird doesn't get sick even if contact is made. No sneezing or coughing in or around the bird's face. Using a tissue.


""""""As I said I don't know which particular bugs are passed, only that they can be.""""""


Airborne is the most common. A person should wash their hands more often and wipe their nose if they have a runny nose.<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/11/10 23:32

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I asked my vet about that also because my daughter catches so many colds. We don't usually catch any flu bugs because we get our flu shot every year My vet said there is no way we have totaly different bio systems then our birds. It would have to be a mutated virus like the bird flu in order to pass it to your bird.


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