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Heart Strings


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A dear friend of mine came to visit overnight yesterday. The last time she came to visit, as the evening progressed, HRH Inara looked at her and said, "Get going you!" (this was last year). This time, Inara was friendly around her and quite chatty the entire visit, with no commands ordering her to depart.


Inara doesn't like it at all when I take the dog out. If I leave the house, without our dog, Inara is fine. I always say, "I am going bye-bye, and I will be back." When I arrive home, I say, "I am back," in a cheerful voice and she is happy to see me and relaxed. But when I take the dog out -- Inara goes ballistic, screeching squawking whistling at the top of her air sacs, no matter how many times in nearly 2 years I have said, "We are going outside, so Dez can potty, and we will be right back." I always wait to say it until Inara is quiet, and then we go out and she still goes crazy. Naturally, it is likely that she is frustrated because she can't come with us as a flock. I get it. When I leave by myself, Dez is here with her, and it is a different scenario. She is relaxed and calm.


Last night when my friend and I left to go out to dinner, I said the usual, "I am going bye-bye, and I will be back." Inara was fine. Not a peep.


Well this morning, my friend was sitting drinking her coffee, and I took the dog out. I heard Inara begin her usual pterodactyl dog is going out squawking but tuned it out as it is a regular morning experience and I know she is fine. When I came back in, my friend (who is very tender hearted with no experience with birds other than mine over the years) was distressed and choked up. She said, "Oh my god. When you walked out Inara started screeching and saying, "Where are you?! You be back! You be back here!" and then "I will go out there! You be back!"


Worse today, I think because she was left behind alone with my friend?


Broke my pea pickin' heart. :(

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Oh my gosh, that is a big tug on the heartstrings. Mine could care less if I go outside without them, all I get is "Lets go outside, gotta make a pee pee. Come on!" Then I get the "I'll be right back, i'm gone". I don't know what I would do if mine did that, probably let the dogs pee in the house, they are Chihuahua's how bad could it be? lol. (not really)

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Agreed, Sterling! In most cases, I'm just taking our dog out to the yard so that she can do her business and am only gone a few minutes, but Inara makes it clear that she does not like it even though she can see me standing out on the deck through the window. We do often go for walks though, and I had mentioned to my friend that I will be looking into birdie backpacks so that Inara can join us. Can't use a harness around here because of all of the hawks and falcons.


When the weather is good, Inara comes out to the deck with us frequently in her travel cage to soak up some sunshine and fresh air. During the winter I tell her it is too cold. She understands cold and snow, but likely still wants to go out there with us no matter what. :(

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Awwww... I would empathize, as I am sure you do... but as it is a safety issue... I wouldn't feel one ounce of guilt! Whenever Sophie went nuts about time away from me or other family members, devoted to other flock members, we all just said " NO!" She would eventually settle down. Awesome that Inara wants to be with you so much! The relationship is strong, and part of being with mama or papa, is learning to " share" them! Of course, once you come back, it is always helpful to say " now its Inara's turn for mama or papa and deliver!

Sophie doesn't freak out anymore and shares quite well! She gives Ollie a peanut, tells him to " share" his chicken! ( he does, and I have to remove the shell from his peanut offering!)

As far as having your friend scarred.... LOL... When my sister comes to visit, she is scared all week! Nancy

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Very very grey behavior. I live alone with my CAG, but boy can she milk the abandonment guilt. I don't cage her when I leave, so she is out and about all day. As soon as she sees me go for my keys, she starts..."Daddy go bye bye. I'll be back! Daddy stay home! Daddy and Gracie spend time together!" Sometimes, she flies to my head, grabs on with her talons and starts saying "Ah! Ah! Nooo! Daddy stay home!' She even pecks me a bit on the forehead. It is all very dramatic--but as much as it pulls on my heartstrings, it probably isn't as bad as all that...despite the shenanigans, I am sure five minutes after I have gone she is happily preening, chewing a toy, or napping. I am home five hours later and spend the rest of the afternoon and evening with her.

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I LOVED all posts! They all act like they are two year olds! I noticed that, when Sophie first came home.( clueless for a grey, but quite able to handle a two year old human!) So, I treated Sophie according to the behavior she displayed. " Share Ollie"... you share too Sophie. " No bite"... good girl! "MINE!"... no Sophie THATS mine!!! As she got older, she would say " NO ROM.... THATS mine! She certainly understood the meaning behind our conversations.

SHARE, NO and MINE! Sophie understands the meaning behind all those words, and can create many conversations with one of those words being the focus of her discussion. Nancy

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