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African grey, Messy chest feathers


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Firstly its my first post, Hi everyone I have an African grey its turning 2 years old next month.


Quick run down the bird was perfectly normally around 7 months ago we swapped him into a bigger cage, which one day he dropped and broke most of the feathers from his wing, A vet pulled the broken feathers from him, few months later he was up and flying again. about 1 month later he broke them again inside the cage. The growing process of these feathers this time around has been very slow.


What I'm worried about is that the feathers on his chest throughout the last month, have been messy, all over the place (picture attached).


For the last few days the feathers on his tail haven't looked right, they looked like they were 'stuck' together as such, can't explain. This morning he pulled quite a few feathers from his tail was quite a mess.


Should I be worried is there something wrong with him?



He spends at least 10 hours a day sleep, he spends at least 6 / 7 hours of the day outside of his cage on his play stand our playing with us. He talks, sings, whistles seem normal to me.




Any help more then welcomed.




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One of those difficult questions to answer, it could be that there may still be a little radiating pain from the original injury, it could be a secondary issue whether stress related from the injury or not. So many factors that can influence feather damage bacteria, yeast, injury, emotional stress, ingesting a foreign substance, heavy metal toxicity, lack of unfiltered Sunlight, something lacking in his diet or too much of some nutrient and the list goes on. It does appear that he may be barbering feathers himself but even a vet visit may not provide a clear answer. Though it would be worthwhile to discuss with your birds Veterinarian.

Edited by Greywings
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Elvio... watch closely! I would be concerned as well! Watch the preening... and encourage your baby to go and play elsewhere when you think they are over preening.

We were lucky when Sophie was two, that we had someone available to watch her 24/7. When she over preened... we told her " enough". Lets go do something else.

To me, the age of two, is so much work! Actually the age of 2-4, needs so much supervision! Its the age of " NO!" Its such a commitment of the family, being on the same page... once you get past that....the world is soooo amazing between you and your bird! Nancy

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