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Hi my name is trish,babygirl is my first parrot and she is 16months old,i love her to pieces.Babygirl has had a bit of a rough start with her inexperienced owner(me) but im sure that with the help of all u parrot lovers i will learn how to look after her and be the best mom that i can be HUGS trishxx

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Hello and welcome to the family, Trish, glad you could join us and I look forward to hearing more about you and Babygirl, what a lovely name and I bet she is a beauty.


Take your time and read thru our many threads here on various topics of interest to you for lots of helpful information. If you have any specific questions about any aspect of grey ownership, please just ask us anything, no matter how trivial it may seem, we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


A lot of us, including me, were inexperienced grey owners also so we know where you are coming from so don't think we know it all, we don't, but we will share what we know and then all of us will learn together.


If you are willing to share those stories of your rough start out with Babygirl, we would love to hear about them, and in sharing with us maybe others will be helped by your deeds or misdeeds as it is the case. Don't want to put you on the spot but we all learn from our mistakes and by sharing you help others here and that is why we all are here to learn all we can to properly care for our flock members.


If you have any photos of Babygirl you would like to share with us, we would love to see her, we love photos here as I am sure you can tell.

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Welcome Trish!!


It sounds like you are a very proud and caring owner. :-)


We look forward to hearing more from you and maybe seeing some photos when you get a chance to post them.


Ask away, there are many Grey owners here with tons of experience that enjoy sharing their knowledge and as others have indicated, there is already a huge search-able library of topics.

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Thank you all for your warm welcome im sure babygirl and me are going to enjoy sharing our tales with such a lovely group.Babygirl was hand reared and i have had her from 6months,i soon got her(hasnt been sexed but to me shes a girl)stepping up and playing with the towel,good job i did because after a visit to the vet for a check up i decided to have her wings clipped(i know that there are people for and against this) a couple of wks later babygirl got spooked and flew off her cage and landed with a thump:S and cut her chest i towelled her and cleaned wound and kept an eye on it but i couldnt get it to heal properley and if she flapped her wings or fell of her perch it would open up again.Avisit to the vet and he said she had a feather cyst,so she was operated on and came home same day with 5 stitches,a victorian collar and anti-biotics she really freaked having collar on so i removed it and made sure she didnt touch her wound.Giving her med was not fun but i towelled her,turned her on her back held her head and after a fight gave it her but sadly she seemed to always have mishaps and the wound kept splitting open she had further surgery but it didnt seem to be healing and the skin was really stretched and weak(16wkshad now passed)i went to a diff vet who operated and thankfully seemed to sort her out,it still took a few months to heal and im extreemenly wary when she has a mishap.She had been off the meds for approx 3 months when she fell in her cage and seemed not to not put weight on left leg,i thought pehaps she had sprained it(she was using it to scratch)but when i noticed she wasnt being her normally chatty self and she was staying in one place i decided she needed to see the vet but getting her out the cage was a nightmare she wouldnt step-up even when i tried with stick she went mad eventually i had to get her with the towel.the vet gave her anti-inflamatry but 2 days later she was still not herself so i took her back again ,after xrays and blood tests she was diognoseMd with chlymidia (where do they get this from?)LV TRISH

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Thanx so much for that link my vet didnt express that it was so contagious i think i need to get myself a vet that deals only with birds,but thankfully babygirl is her happy self giving her dad kisses,chatting and being charming to the boys,and taking her aggresion out on her mom just because shes the one who sees to her well-being.i think she is trying to be boss but my shoes are too big for her:laugh:

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{Communicate-000200D6} and welcome to our world this is only my second week here too but i cant switch it off i love it here!people are lovely and will give you endless help im still learning but i will help where i candont be scared to ask any one{Feel-good-00020114}

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