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My paco won't stop picking his feathers!! :(((((


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So sorry you're going through this. Sometimes the only answer is that he's going to pluck, but don't give up yet. Has anything changed in or around his cage, or in the family dynamic like someone moving in or out, cage placement changed, picture hung close to the cage, anything you can think of? Is he getting too much physical contact from you that might be confusing him sexually, as one of our members here with a plucker just recently figured out. Does he have preening toys in his cage that might divert him from going after his own feathers? How does he react to the aloe spray. Does he preen after it or sit and sulk? Give him lots of happy praise when he tolerates it, or when you see him playing with a toy, and lots of praise for any verbal interaction. Keep up with contact calls when you leave the room so he always knows where you are if you can' that've him with you. Sorry I can't be more help. Maybe others will chime in with things I haven't thought of. (((Hugs))).

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He started picking his feathers even before we moved his cage. A month before actually. Other than that i can't think of anything else. But for the past few days he's been better, either there is notmuch feathers left or he is getting better. I've been giving him that drop thats called rescue remedy. Which is a natural stress reliever. We'll have to work on making him talk again cuz he doesn't talk as he used to anymore.....

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Remember, talking/not talking isn't always an indication of happiness. I've been realizing lately that Dorian isn't talking nearly as much as he used to, or adding new things to his vocabulary. I believe this is because since the move to this much smaller house he's almost always in my presence so he doesn't need to use sound/speech to bring me to him.


I think it's awesome that you're giving the rescue remedy a try. Keep us updated on how things are going.

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Faris54... If this was Sophie, my grey, an intervention, would happen. Not everyone can do this! She would be outside her cage, 24/7, monitored, and chewing feathers, would be a NOOOO! We have been lucky that Sophie learned " noone appreciates you chewing your feathers, got returned to her cage". While she loves everyone in the family, thru consistency, she knows noone appreciates feather plucking, and it is less than desirable. When she " preens", we tell her how beautiful she is...when she ever "over preened"... we told her okay... thats enough! If she ignored us, she got returned to her cage, door was closed. She didn't like that! She stopped nancy

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  • 1 month later...

Well hello everyone, i gave paco sometime to see how he reacts to that rescue remedy, and i took all the other advices into consideration & actually tried them all. it got getter better for a while but then lately it took a turn for the for worse! It's so bad now that he's got not feathers on his chest at all!! Just bare skin! And now he's started plucking his back feathers now! Its been sooooo frustrating to see him to that to himself, i just wish i could read his mind to see what he is going through....seems like nothing is helping him. I just can't think of anything else. I need help :((((

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I do understand the frustration you feel right now, do keep on using the rescue remedy and do try to relax. It is very difficult to take that deep breath and just let go of the bad feelings but that is what is needed. As long as you know you are doing your best and he is other wise a happy healthy bird just a nudist for now. A great diet with fresh colorful foods, some direct Sunlight, clean water, lots to do and love is what he needs and I know you are providing his needs and then some.

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Well hello everyone, i gave paco sometime to see how he reacts to that rescue remedy, and i took all the other advices into consideration & actually tried them all. it got getter better for a while but then lately it took a turn for the for worse! It's so bad now that he's got not feathers on his chest at all!! Just bare skin! And now he's started plucking his back feathers now! Its been sooooo frustrating to see him to that to himself, i just wish i could read his mind to see what he is going through....seems like nothing is helping him. I just can't think of anything else. I need help :((((


Ohh my do I know your pain. I have described it in any of my threads about Isaac's plucking in such detail as to how it haunts me. This has been EXTREMELY difficult for me to negotiate psychologically and as a lover of my bird. Like you say....they are perfectly happy otherwise. As if they are like, 'What...a couple of feathers...ahh whatever..they keep coming back'. The best explanation I have is that it is like nail biting in humans.


In short.....rip my heart out paaahhhlease and just step on it a million times over. That's what watching your baby pluck is like. It's hard not to feel totally responsible...but it really is a switch that is so casually and suddenly turned on inside of them. They realize it feels good and persist in varying and confusing ways. Isaac can preen hours and days without touching a single feather. It's been about three weeks since his last pluck. But I am not buying the false alarm this time. I still have hope...but I don't excited that this is going to be the time that he keeps em anymore. Cause one day...out of the blue...and for no reason I can find or observe...he does it. Then maybe a binge. Kind of like a little druggie. LOL.


I feel the pain man....really really hard. Don't be hard on yourself cause it is easy to blame yourself for a myriad of reasons. It's absolutely, uncontrollable by any known means.

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