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Animals grieve just like we do, and have to get past it by themselves, just like we do. Not sure what you can do to help her with that. As far as sleeping in inappropriate places, you must take control and move her. Forgive me, but other than that, I'm not exactly sure of what you want.

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I would let her grieve in her own way in her own time. Whose to say what's right or wrong? It isn't what we think that matters, just let her know you love her, give her more comforting attention and let her come to terms with her loss in her own way.

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I will start! I want people to help me, help Sophie, to recover from the loss of Sunny, and stop living with Ollie my dog. She can't go to bed in Ollie's bed, and think it is normal! Nancy... next.....


Birds grieve in different ways. Sometimes it's ovious, sometimes not. A parrot's everyday goings and comings change. The familiar things that went on is now gone. The parrot looks at a familiar place and sees nothing. A familiar sound which appears at the same time when they were together is now gone. Whatever likes and dislikes the parrots had with each other are also gone. The normal way of feeding is now gone and that can be confusing. It would be wise to remove or at least move cages around in order to create differences in visiual familiarities.That goes for the other birds too. I constantly move cages around so none of my birds get too used to any certain spots. It's one way to stop birds from thinking that one is better than the other. Putting other birds nearby causes other interests in what's going on. Taking away any items that belonged to the the deceased bird is a good idea. Grieving may last a few weeks or a month. This happens quite frequently in the wild with greys which are are with their mates. Greys are monogomous. The bird grieves and then eventually gets back into the swing of things with the rest of the flock. I'm confused about whos who in the house. Ollie is the dog? If so, letting a bird take up residence in a dog's bed isn't something I agree with. My opinion is to stop that habit.


PS--I really don't know why you would feel that your post on the board will be more amazing. It should be a regular part of the board. After all, it always has been a part of the board. People have always given out opinions concerning the loss of a family member (parrot).

Edited by Dave007
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I was looking more for, people to feel free to ask for help in areas that concern them.

Dave....of course Sophie can't sleep in Ollie's bed. ( dog). I know she is trying to refigure her flock. As Ollie sleeps with me....she has decided to sleep in my room. She can fly " up", not lateral. No kitchen or family room where Ollie's bed is.She flew up last night and perched on my bed at the bottom. Thinking of putting a cage in my room. Nancy

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UMMMMMM.... not so much!

Dave... Feel some empathy! Dig deep into your soul...

We can rock, if we choose too! We can't alienate new members,,, we need new ideas! Nancy


Honestly, I haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about.

1-- Feel some empathy?

2-- Dig deep into your soul?

3-- We can't alienate new members?

4-- we need new ideas?


All of this has to do with the loss of your bird?

Edited by Dave007
word correction
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