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I KNEW this was going to happen! Sophie did well with Sunny's death, initially. Now she looks around in birdroom, all are gone.She has always been close to Ollie,my pup, as well as us. Her flock mentality has always included me, kids and ollie. Now, she won't leave Ollie's side. Bedtime is ignored... she puts herself to bed, in Ollie's bed.Ollie lets her sleep in it. She insists on eating breakfast together with Ollie. He tolerates it, but I don't want them to eat together. Ollie needs to eat in peace.He is patient and tolerant! Nancy

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Nancy, as I said in my other post, Sophie will work past this. But, just like you would help a grieving family member, you must not allow inappropriate behavior. You are the flock leader, and should always be in control. Sleeping with the dog could have some devastating outcome for Sophie if the dog gets disturbed while asleep, and reacts to a nudge, and just nips Sophie. Them being close, and consoling each other is great, but, it still must be controlled by you. While it may seem cute and endearing, it is really not good to let this go too far. I hope I am not offending you, but, what I have said, is what I believe.

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No offense taken! Of course Ollie and Sophie can't sleep together! Ollie doesn't sleep in his bed, its just his hangout which should be his space. She is just invading his space. She can't invade unless I am home.Have to reconsider sleeping arrangements, as she wants to be with us. Considering a cage in my room. If its important to Sophie, its important to me. Nancy

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I know my girl well! She has been thinking about this, and has made her decision, what the outcome should be. She wants us all to be together.Sophie doesn't ask for much, but I know when she has something on her mind, that she won't change her decision! She wants to be with me and Ollie. I will be moving in one of the cages into my room. She can still start off in birdroom, and hopefully stay there. Nancy

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Yes... all is good. BUT... I have two choices. Accept her wanting for us ( Ollie and me), to stepup on the amount of time we all spend together, or get her a new roommate and friend.As Ollie and I spend all our free time with her, not sure I can increase our time together.On the other hand,I am hesitant to get her a new friend, as my kids are off in college, and getting a new friend, I wouldn't be there as much.

If I got her a new friend, ( would have to be a rescue), the new bird would not have " open cage concept", which I support 100%. It would go against my beliefs and training. It wouldn't be fair for Sophie to have " open cage", and new bird not! Nancy

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If another bird was to enter your home and your life I would think that at first during the adjustment there would be very limited out of cage time. after the I am at home and feel safe now there would be more freedom offered. What ever you decide or what ever walks or flies into your life I know you would a safe home what ever rules apply. (By the way Nature abhors a vacuum.)

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Open cage concept education to a new bird, is no longer an option unfortunately. I had the kids here to help with the training, and being on the same page when we worked with Sophie and gang, as well as dogs.I work fulltime, and safety would be compromised for a new bird.

Its not that Sophie can fly anywhere and everywhere while I am at work, but I wouldn't trust her with her cage door opened in birdroom. I can't close her cage door either! I am damned if I do, and damned if I don't!

I also wasn't happy with her behavior when Sunny was dying, I was carrying him everywhere. She pecked at him! I'm sure that maybe normal behavior in the bird world, or just jealousy. Ollie stepped up to the plate ( my dog), and was at Sunny's side the entire time. Nancy

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