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It is Spring for Nilah...again....:(


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Well it is that time of year...Spring..even tho there is tons of snow outside, the calendar says otherwise...and so does Nilah!!!!


She will be 6 years old in a few weeks, and I finally remember that springtime for her is her feisty time. She is wild and out of control .....I can no longer allow her out of her cage in the morning to share breakfast with me and my greys, cause she absolutely will NOT go back into her cage. So,instead of fighting in frustration with her as she flies all over the house yelling and screaming like I'm going to murder her, and me being hours late for work...I don't let her out.


I finally remember that this is year 3 of this behavior. When she is out, she is yelling, singing, getting into everything that's a no no and just being a feisty girl. I don't mind when I'm home, but if I have to go out in the morning, she can't come out. I know it's harder on me for these 3 months than her....I hate this time of year having to walk away from her cage with the others on me and leaving her left out..:( in the am.


I hope one it goes by fast..:( :(

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Ahhh spring, the time of year that brings fear to many Amazon owners.

Not all Amazon care takers share in that fear as many Amazons go through this with out a lot of fan fare.

All that is needed is a little understanding and not make a big thing about it.

Step back and let them go through this mating ritual as they can`t do anything to change it and nor can you.

As they get older it will lesson and this time of year will become more enjoyable (YAH)

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I feel 150 grams worth of your pain. Our Toby (Caique) was in the most foul mood ever. He went from being a sweet, malleable, fun-loving little cuddle bug to a hardened cranky-pants who didn't mind shedding blood (yours, not his) at every opportunity. Then one day the switch flipped back and we have our Toby back. Both transitions literally happened overnight and the whole ordeal went on for a couple months.

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Maybe my post is misunderstood based on my writing...Nilah is still the sweetheart she always has been. By no means is she mean at all. When she is out of her cage, she is still easy going and loving to me. She is always in a good mood. The only part of spring I don't enjoy..is having to keep her in her cage in the am while the others get to come out..I miss that precious morning time with her.


What I meant was, she is full of energy, flying thru my house yelling and having a blast in the process....no way does she want to stop her activity to go in her cage in the morning. She is trying to do all the things she knows will get a rise out of me...but this will pass when mating season comes to an end.

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She is saying: I am 'Zon Woman, hear me sing! See my feathers, and watch me fly and strut my stuff. Life is wonderful! Hey, how come no big, strong guy is taking me up on this? I'm staying out here until someone comes along. If you think I'm going back home without a date, you've got to be kidding me. :D:D

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I guess that's the difference between girls and boys. Toby was super pissed off for a long time. I hang out on a Caique group and saw a post from someone showing their Caique getting it on with a hanging toy. Kind of sad really. Someone else replied they got their little guy a girlfriend and they get it on daily. We are considering...

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She is saying: I am 'Zon Woman, hear me sing! See my feathers, and watch me fly and strut my stuff. Life is wonderful! Hey, how come no big, strong guy is taking me up on this? I'm staying out here until someone comes along. If you think I'm going back home without a date, you've got to be kidding me. :D:D



You sure hit the nail on the head! I wish I had wrote it like you did. Seems like you are in my house spying on get.. :)

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In spite of the logistical issues about going back in the cage, it seems Nilah is super happy and welcoming the spring. I can relate! Enjoy her zest for life and joy of existence. My CAG Gracie seems to be reveling in the change of seasons, too. Yesterday she spent an hour singing at the top of her lungs, "Happy Happy Happy--Gracie is a HAPPY bird!" over and over. She is only 3 and a half--so no mating hormones yet. The positive energy is infectious. I couldn't be in a bad mood if I tried.

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I am very lucky, Nilah is a very happy Amazon. She spends every waking minute on me, we do everything together when she is out of her cage as soon as I get home from work. She's the best cuddler and cooer ever! She loves to rub her head on my cheek when I get home and coo over and over. I'll say it over and over again, there's no love like that of an Amazon !

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This is my first spring with out Cricket and I miss her love that she had for spring.

She would also spend all her time on me if she could. She loved her head scratches and would play on my shoulder for hours.

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