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I just don't get it...


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On the whole, Grey Forums represents itself as being kind of like one big dysfunctional family. Here to support each other w/the fids' well being coming before anything else.


The only way this or any other source of information can remain valuable or relevant is if it continues to attract "users". All the good advice & "wisdom", all the good intentions, time & effort are worthless otherwise.


It would (or should) go w/o saying that can't be accomplished by being offensive. It is very offensive to most people to be disrespected. It is disrespectful to tell people what they feel is invalid.


Is it so damned hard to say "sorry" when posts aren't well received & simply rephrase in a different tone of voice? Because for every one poster who actually says they're offended & moving on, there's probably more, possibly a bunch more, who will simply leave w/o a word.


Either way, their birds cannot benefit when they're gone.



Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”

― Dalai Lama XIV

Edited by birdhouse
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You will find rudeness and opinions everywhere you go. It's life, it's forum life, it's Facebook life etc,. We have been thru this same topic over and over again here on Greyfroums. And I'm not gonna do again for the hundredth time. It's in the archives if you care to go back and read the many many threads on this subject


It all comes down to the same thing...interpretation of the black and white words we read. There is no emotion, no feelings, no tone of voice...so you read it, you put your own take on the meaning of it...some are okay, some see it with no harm intended, others get angry at the tone they decipher from it.


Please rememebr that that how you decide to interpret it is all on you.....if you really knew the person, new there personality, your may see it quite differently. Pick your battles, but we are all here for the same reason....for our birds..it isn't a popularity contest....or who knows better than you....you read a post, and decide for yourself if you care to contribute or not, or care to take the advice..or discuss it. Your never gonna change the way others think or respond on a forum, so dont bother trying, it only flames the thread....and like it or not, I don't tolerate that here like other forums might.

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I know this will change nothing, but I agree with birdhouse. You can tell someone that there are better ways to do something without telling them it is dumb, or ridiculous, or worse. It may be the way of the world, but it is not a world that HAS to be. No one talks to me that way - at least not to my face LOL.

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Commonsense. That is what we need to use when interpreting a post/a thread. Interpreting any advice because in the end it is each of us individually who is responsible for our greys. The one who knows what is really happening in our greys' lives. I read a post/thread and filter through it for what pertains to me or my situation. It has been said many, many times that NO ONE on this board or in this membership is an avian veterinarian. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT no one is an avian veterinarian. We only try to help and relate what we would do in a situation. That is all we grey owners can do.


As for the moderators, all they typically can do is help watch over the forum. Be watchdogs for our administrator. In other words, a lackey with a title. Be kind.


Remember why we are here: For The Love of Our Greys

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We all write differently. We all read differently. We all spell differently. Then there's the typing! It's just not even a little realistic to think that we can all communicate the same. Let alone first time every time.


As far as whatever else happens where ever else...? I can't for the love of me think why anyone would compare Grey Forums membership w/that type of crowd.


No brag. Just fact. The greater percentage of bird owners are simply a breed apart. Their somewhat amazing ability to empathize & their out-freakin-standing devotion to some little pile of grey feathers &/or any of their multi-colored cousins is what sets them apart.


So then why I wonder, is it too much to ask for them to show their fellow human beings even the slightest bit of that same empathy & just a small amount of good old fashion courtesy, consideration or respect? It costs so little & can be worth so much.


I'll say it again. I just don't get it.

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Not at all, just a little clearing of the air after a little dust up. I think that we like our Grey birds can be a sensitive lot and occasionally give or take one of those unexpected bites that hurts, surprises and bequeaths trust issues for a while.

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I agree with you Val, its just real tough to speak from the heart with honesty and at the same time think how anyone else might interpret my words or intentions framed by whatever else is on that person's plate on any given day. For instance, I am catching five minutes right now 14 hours from the beginning of my day in Georgia to arriving in Yuma AZ for a funeral. My pet sitter is with my birds and dogs for the first time. If someone were to read my words and interpret a slam or impatience, I may not have time to get back, read it through, compile a cogent response and address it. In my own life, I have a three week rule for emotional objectivity because I tend to have a hair trigger to "scratch someone's eye out". Does that sound like Gilbert or what? I will think about this some more after a little sleep, a little time and access to the internet again.

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I must have missed something. I have no idea what started this. I hope no one is talking about me, or something I said.


No. Nothing of the sort although I will admit that I'm real grateful you cared enough to ask. Given some of the response, I don't really know what I was thinking about starting this thread.


In hindsight I think in future, my spare time might be better spent practicing things I could actually hope to accomplish. Like nailing jello to a tree or something like that.



If someone were to read my words and interpret a slam or impatience, I may not have time to get back, read it through, compile a cogent response and address it.


Let's keep it real, Dee. You don't actually have a thing to worry about. Honestly, we only tolerate you so we can keep tabs on Miss G. We lover her. :P

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