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The end of bathroom privileges!


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I got bit last night. I take Dorian into the washroom with me when I shower. He really likes hanging in there. All I have to do is ask him "wanna go shower?" And up comes his little foot. He has a perch mounted on the outside of the shower glass wall, and he likes to run through his sounds and hear them echo off the walls in the small room. Well, maybe he likes it a bit too much. Lately it's been harder and harder to get him to step off the perch when I'm ready to leave the room. Even the magic of a pistachio isn't a guarantee of cooperation. Sometimes I've had to leave him alone in there in the dim light for a few minutes before he's happy to "come with mom". Well, last night all those things failed. He got very defensive of his position every time I approached him and clamped down on my hand when it was in range. Finally he bit my thumb really bad and, for the first time ever, I had to get a portable perch and step him onto that. He was in a truly ugly mood for the rest of the day. I think I have to stop taking him into the bathroom if he is going to get so aggressive about staying there. What do you guys think?

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I'm the stubbornest one in the house. We'd be making trips in and out of that bathroom until it's understood that's how it's going to be. As long as I'm busting my arse cooking and cleaning and making great fun time for them, I expect a little in return and I'll get it one way or another.


We had a situation yesterday where a certain someone didn't want to wear their harness. It's been a long winter and we're out of practice. The nasty hard bites and the rolling upside down and pretending to play dead started so off we went for a 2-3 hour march through Home Depot and Lowes. Everybirdy was just fine once we returned. Townie rides in the harness are on the schedule for this evening since we seem to be having issues wearing our harness now.

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"What happens in Vegas..." ? As far as I'm concerned "What happens during mating season ... same thing.


Hormonal behavior is temporary insanity. Most of the time, it will pass. I just take the attitude that we have to survive it w/o doing any permanent damage. Simple, right...? hahahahahahahahahahahaha

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Dorian is about a year ahead of Miss Gilbert on his "blossoming". On one hand, it has taken so much patience and trust building to get him to this place where he can feel safe to openly defy you. While you don't want that to become your status quo, I think I might get a baby cam with a monitor and leave his little ragged tail feathers in there until he asks nicely to come with you. My philosophy is to always leave 'em wanting more. If you have time to leave him and still keep an eye that he isn't dismantling the room and setting up pranks on you, let him cool his heels in there for a bit. To be honest, he might have a little grumpfest to show you that you were spending too much time enjoying yourself with that play. How did that go, by the way?

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Maybe he just needs more time to get himself "presentable" as some men take longer to get ready.
Funny girl.


Do females go through this hormonal behavior as well? Do I have this to look forward to with Miss Dayo? If so about when does it usually start?

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Yes, there is no escaping hormonal behavior when you are dealing with parrots though some display it more so than others, my almost 9 year old female is showing some signs of that particular behavior but its mild compared to what some are dealing with, depends on the individual bird for they all have their own little personalities. I would say that my Josey is just starting into her maturity which means she is old enough to be a breeder but she will always be my baby.

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Sophie didn't do that hormonal stuff when we got her at age two. She did some terrible twos stuff, but raging hormones...NOT! Some loving with kids feet is all she has ever done. So she has a foot fetish... we dont care. She never displayed bad behavior, when ignoring her foot fetish! She did, and will always hate a bath. It just gets done. She knows we empathize....Nancy

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