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Lost Zoey and sunny on the same day

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I am so sorry for you! Nothing that any of us can say can make the pain less. Know that we have all gone through similar things, and share your grief. I often tell grieving pet parents that maybe God needed another angel for something, and so He took yours. Be strong, Nancy, your other babies need you. And right now, you feel like you do, and you're right to feel so. But, maybe one day, some other little darling will need you, and you'll be ready for them. You are a good pet parent, and need time for these holes in your heart to heal.

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So very sorry, Nancy to hear such sad news. It is just so unfair that many of our non human companions have such short life spans. They pack so much love and loyalty into so few years that they touch our hearts forever.

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Condolences to you and your family, you have had too many losses in recent times. I understand the feeling of not wanting to put yourself out there again for a while. It takes a long time to grieve and heal, each to his own time and other stressors in life. No one knows the depth of caring you have poured into your pets and kids like you do. Take your time and be kind to yourself as you appreciate Sophie and Ollie and the love they give each other and to you.

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Thank you all! Ollie wears his heart on his sleave. He is sad. Sophie has been much more needy past few days. Thank goodness Sean is home to spend time with them both, while I am at work.He was such a good bird, and never put up with Sophie's nonsense and let her know it! Never a bite.... but a squack " STOP!" Sophie always did. I am now feeling " cursed" during St. Patricks weekend!

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So sorry for your loss Nancy. When we bring these souls into our lives we know that the odds are good that we'll have to say goodbye one day. Let the memories of all the little moments of joy you had with your babies start to fill that hole in your heart and maybe one day it will be healed enough to let another heartbeat into your life. For now just concentrate on healing yourself and your flockmates. <3 from Dorian and me.

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