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Great news. Mistyparrot is not to blame


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I have had COPD for at least seven years now. It is an affliction of the lungs. Recently a lung infection caused my condition to deteriorate, so my GP sent me to see a pulmonary specialist. When I told him that I shared my life with an African Grey parrot he said that he would not have a parrot even if he was paid a million pounds! He was so sure that my problem was caused by Mistyparrot dust! He said I should have a blood test for possible avian specific allergies. I received the results today and they were negative! So Misty is innocent. :)

Personally I had no doubt that would be the result. I am more or less back to where I was before the infection. I am relieved with the confirmation of Misty's innocence but nothing would have caused me to part with him.


Steve n Misty

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So glad to know that your beloved Misty is not the culprit -- and I so understand, dealing with chronic respiratory issues myself. I would never give up HRH Inara under any circumstances, unless I was so drastically ill and weak that I could not literally care for myself or her.

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