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I Know Why Isaac Plucks


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Sounds greyt. Sending good vibes yours and Issacs way. I know what you mean by engineering your life around your bird. Other people think I'm nuts when I tell them I have to go home because it's past birdies bedtime, but I know what a grump I get when he doesn't get his scheduled sleep. Glad I have here to come to where I can obsess to my hearts delight.

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Sounds greyt. Sending good vibes yours and Issacs way. I know what you mean by engineering your life around your bird. Other people think I'm nuts when I tell them I have to go home because it's past birdies bedtime, but I know what a grump I get when he doesn't get his scheduled sleep. Glad I have here to come to where I can obsess to my hearts delight.



Hahahhahhhahha. Ohh my that is funny. Yes...if I am thinking that I have to be home with my bird at that moment...I get quite volatile. I get snappy. I just care for him so much it's crazy. I always see it like....I am all he has. No one else will look for him after they get off work...be excited to come home and see him every day....think about his diet and make sure he is kept healthy...and to just stare at him sometimes like a star-struck fan of some sort.


He's really filling in fast this time around. Still no tweaked feathers...and tummy feathers...I haven't seen those in over a year. So.....so....soooooooo proud of my little guy. Just hoping he hangs in there. I am almost sure the plastic bottles he chews on are helping too. He mangles those every day. I flatten them and jam them between the bars. Life couldn't be better.

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Our greys are so sensitive that small changes create complex behavior dynamics. You have really gone above and beyond to observe, listen and have a give and take with Isaac to figure out what is happening. Changing your physical interactions with him must be a part of the equation. Congrats to you for the success, for not giving up when it looked rough and for doing the best thing for Isaac when it wasn't the easiest thing for you. That's unconditional love. Way to go daddy-O.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well folks. Here is the update. Isaac plucks. LOL. I'm out of things to try and there seems to be no connection to any of my actions or activities to when he chooses to pluck. It's very rare that he does, but he does...and it is enough to keep his tummy ragged. His back is filling in, but I am kind of done watching and hoping for anything different. He'll have to decide if he wants to begin keeping his feathers nice again if he ever does. So it's time to move on and let things be. If he ever does get into a situation where he stops for good...that will be some kind of miracle. My only guess is that he learned something that cannot be unlearned. He has no motivation to break a habit like this. He doesn't have sessions when he just has to rip out feathers...he just prunes the odd feather here and there...and particularly likes doing this on his tummy. What are ya gonna do right? So there ya have it. I can get sad when I see pictures of fully feathered greys because I know that I will never have Isaac looking like that again. On top of that, I know that it is all my doing for making a parrot my life companion. I at least know that he is happy to be with me...cause I see the fun he has in my home with me and my daughter. Wish me and my boy well on our adventures. I love my baby sooooooo much and will take care of him forever.



One thing that makes Isaac kind of unique is the way he is such a sweetheart. Whenever I lean my head towards him to give him a kiss on his beak, he seems to know what I am up to and stretches his neck out in anticipation...meeting me halfway if you will. He also shows affection by rubbing his head on my shoulder. He will do this especially when it's bedtime. A kind of emotional bargaining chip to get a little more out time. He knows he can tame me instantly with it. I think he thinks his name is 'litah boooyeee' for sure. He says it just like my daughter does now too. He says it with so many different inflections. However the best is the sound of my daughter...it's really quiet and soft. I think he likes saying it too cause when she comes over he will say it to her a lot. She can always get a nice clean one from him if she comes over to him and says 'hi'. "Litah booOOOooooyee". He also acts totally wacky and crazy...shaking his head and sounding like a turkey. Calling like a crow...my favorite is his chicken impression. Hilarious. He does a good dog, dove, and many other song birds from outside. Sometimes he will be by the open window and make these little tiny tweets that he can hear in the distance which I believe are humming bird tweets. By far the most heart melting though...is a good peek-a-boo from a parrot. If that doesn't make you smile, you must be dead or something. He can also perform multiple variations of farts and burps. I wouldn't have it any other way. LOL. If you laugh...he will laugh with you. Just now he started clucking like a chicken and I started cracking up because it is really funny sometimes the way he carries on. Then I laugh and he gives me this laugh where he is even wheezing a little to get the real belly-laugh in there. It's exchanges like that that make it all worth it I guess. It can even be tough to place them in a cage at all when you get so close to them. I begin to feel like....my goodness....there is a little kid inside of that bird you know.



I just went to go turn the light off so he could get some sleep...it's his bedtime. I asked him for a kiss....and he tooted back. A familiar exchange. He little way of saying...not now...I guess. After I laugh though...he does end up giving me a proper little kiss. Goodnight little booooyyeee. And I'll say good night for now too. G'night all.

Edited by Elvenking
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I think Isaac has finally trained you. The less it concerns you, the easier it is for him not to fall into the habit. Our first introduction to Miss Gilbert four years ago presented a nearly naked chest and thirty feathers with follicles attached in a zip lock bag handed over with her. Once I came to the place that I knew I was not doing something to add to her habit, gradually and very slowly over time we are seeing less and less. Every now and again, a high stress time such as the tornado sirens and being unceremoniously placed in a travel cage and taken to a room in the basement will predictably result in some nervous chewing of her chest. I don't even look twice or mention it and it doesn't last. It seems a little like nail biting in human children, the less focus on it the better. It starts for one reason and is perpetuated for a totally different reason and we may never figure it out. You have an adorable, totally loved boy. He is beautiful and perfect in every way. The video of Greycie giving kisses is such an enjoyable thing to see. The thought of Isaac giving and affectionate rub to your shoulder makes me melt and I'm not ever there to see it. Good for you to come to an understanding with him. The wonderful aspects of your life together and the bond you are building with your daughter and Isaac are a gift to him.

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Elvenking... I'm sorry Isaac plucks! It really is just a matter of 50/50... some pluck, some don't. Who knows why they do it? BUT... we all know Isaac is amazing and happy.. he has an awesome family that supports him. I would always prefer a bird that plucks that is happy, smart, and knows he is loved! Don't ever give up on stopping the plucking ( thats just physical) Nancy

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I think Isaac has finally trained you. The less it concerns you, the easier it is for him not to fall into the habit. Our first introduction to Miss Gilbert four years ago presented a nearly naked chest and thirty feathers with follicles attached in a zip lock bag handed over with her. Once I came to the place that I knew I was not doing something to add to her habit, gradually and very slowly over time we are seeing less and less. Every now and again, a high stress time such as the tornado sirens and being unceremoniously placed in a travel cage and taken to a room in the basement will predictably result in some nervous chewing of her chest. I don't even look twice or mention it and it doesn't last. It seems a little like nail biting in human children, the less focus on it the better. It starts for one reason and is perpetuated for a totally different reason and we may never figure it out. You have an adorable, totally loved boy. He is beautiful and perfect in every way. The video of Greycie giving kisses is such an enjoyable thing to see. The thought of Isaac giving and affectionate rub to your shoulder makes me melt and I'm not ever there to see it. Good for you to come to an understanding with him. The wonderful aspects of your life together and the bond you are building with your daughter and Isaac are a gift to him.


Yeah I have thought of how having it on my mind would affect him. So I am always sure to ignore any feathers and just start playing with my little guy. I've gotten good at that. He only will pluck a couple here and there. But with the time it takes feathers to come in...that is really all he has to do. He may get better though. I am always keeping an eye out for a signal of some sort. I'm looking into more toy variety now. Looking to see if I can set more up for him to play with in and out of his cage. I am glad I found the plastic bottles he loves to shred. It is hard to find stuff to really engage him like that. It is, in fact, his HUGEST kick right now. He loves my Arrowhead water bottles. I actually have to watch where I put them down. He is always tracking them down and giving them hell. I will sometimes put one down forgetting all about it and he comes in like a bolt of lightening...literally swooping in front of me to attack that bottle. Cups too of course. Twice the other week...I came in a placed a fresh cup of cola full of ice on the counter...only to have him swoop in seconds later to knock it on the floor. By the time I see him swooping in, I am already too far away to act on it. Ahhh man that sucks! I can't fault him though..I taught him to play with one I guess. LOL. The items I use to drink from have enthralled Isaac since he was a baby. It was, after all, his first toy he fell in love with. Silly parrot.


I'll keep looking out for my little guy. He's a really sweet Grey!!

Edited by Elvenking
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Elvenking... I'm sorry Isaac plucks! It really is just a matter of 50/50... some pluck, some don't. Who knows why they do it? BUT... we all know Isaac is amazing and happy.. he has an awesome family that supports him. I would always prefer a bird that plucks that is happy, smart, and knows he is loved! Don't ever give up on stopping the plucking ( thats just physical) Nancy


Yeah...I also take heart in the fact that it does not appear to be any form of stress-plucking. Looks more like boredom or just over preening with some idea that certain feathers need to go with favoritism toward the tummy. I'll keep searching though.

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I'd put up with a little or a lot of plucking for the affection. Nothing beats Grey affection....


Greycie's morning kisses (sounds very similar to what Isaac does)



Greycie is a lover! Yep..that is how Issac is when I come home to him. Such a cutie!

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