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I believe members thanked Dave, as he is absolutely correct . If people would read the stickies which were put in place to answer the most commonly asked questions,.then they would be well informed. Not just anyone can make a sticky, it is approved only by a moderator or admin.

I can speak for long time members here when I say, that mods are all here volunteering our time, and when the same questions come up day after day it can get quite tiresome and we are answering the same questions over and over, thus the moderators have spent many hours writing stickies...why? To help answer with the best experience and knowledge they have.


I hope that answers your testy question about Dave , who has my upmost respect, and I will not.allow anyone to disrespect him in any way.....just putting that out there for future info.


OK now that we have the whole "Dave" thing out of the way I would just like to address the whole misinterpretation on my original post. I was not seeking advice about wing clipping etc... In which case I could have just read through the stickies. Which is something I might add that I HAVE done because that is just the type of person I am .. genuinely interested in getting all the information I can. I was stating random examples of facts that might be useful to know about each individual in order to better understand the perspective of each member so we are better equipped to "pick and choose" which advice we wish to implement. I know, I know, it's not my best idea and believe me I was just throwing it out there. I won't make that mistake again. I can't believe how this whole post became about reading stickies - maybe we should concentrate on reading a person's post instead of jumping on bandwagons.

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First, I think the original suggestion comes from a good intention to "jump start" credibility. But, filling in information is about what each person decides is relevant and credible. A profile I filled out five years ago or even one year ago wouldn't necessarily provide a view of how I see the world today. The join date, number of posts provide a general idea of how long someone has stuck around giving, taking, sharing ideas. Another thing is the written word only conveys tone based on the skill of the writer and the spent contemplating how one would like to be received. Just like our greys, we are unique and individual. I didn't read bluedawg's post as being anything more than "hey guys, do you think this would help" in sincerity . Likewise, I didn't read Dave's to say anything beyond, no it wouldn't help him. Dave doesn't sound hostile to me reading, but I wasn't vested in wanting anything different from him.

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