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Perhaps in order to make it easy for people to view the relevant experience level of the person they are potentially taking advice from we could have an "experience" post where we post our level of relevant knowledge and or experience or an addition to our bio-pages "experience". We do have an "about me" section of the bio page but I have noticed that I don't see people posting relevant information there. Specifically I would be looking to see what is your frame of reference ie; are you a veterinarian, have you owned birds for a gazillion years and if so what is your frame of reference old school or positive reinforcement, do you clip or do you not clip. I would want to know these things about a person and more so I can make sure I am taking advice from someone who is in alignment with what I want for my little family. Although by now I can pretty much tell from what they have to say, In the beginning it was not so easy to decipher so I think it would be a useful bit of information especially for newbies. With such a information we could have a frame of reference so we know whom we are speaking to (especially the moderators should post their experience since their advice usually is given the most weight.). I hope not to ruffle any feathers I only wish to suggest a valuable feature to this already valuable resource. It is quite possible that we already have this info. available in which case, please point me in the right direction and disregard prev. :)

– Mary

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I have noticed that many people do not write anything in their Profile. Or very little. I think you have a good idea. The question is how truthful people will be. That may well be established by their advice and responses. I'm an old man and do not have much faith in internet chats, profiles, or social media. I do not subscribe to things like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

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I think it is a great suggestion ...but I wouldn't want others taking someone's advice based on what just a member lists what they consider experience.....that could become a liability issue.


We always state there are no vets here, so the advice given by any member is to be weeded through and the person seeking advice is solely responsible for deciding what they chose to believe, follow or dismiss....it's a case by case basis.


The best thing is to read everything written and rifle through the information, and come to your own conclusions.

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I don't think an experience level is a good idea. Even though I've had my African Grey for 25 years doesn't make me any expert. I believe I've been very lucky that my Congo has stayed healthy this long. Congo has only visited a vet once since I've had him and that was when he was only 2 years old, hasn't seen one since(knock, knock on wood). I've read many posts here and I can tell you theirs a lot of people on here that are probably more knowledgeable about African Greys than I am.

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Hay bluedawg, We all know where you are coming from, as there was a time when each of us was there and looking for support from some one or any one that could offer you some kind of support.

Penny or (AKA) Talon made a good point as we are all faceless people behind a computer screen. But as you read you will notice that many members will share the same opinions on excepted methods when it comes to our companion birds.

Even we who have had parrots for many, many years have seen methods and opinions change over the years.

Example; Many years ago wing clipping was widely accepted for training and control, not so much now as we understand our birds better.

Penny our admin and we as mods do our best to stop bad imfo. from being spread on our forum.

If you follow generally accepted methods offered by members as a group things should go OK.

Edited by Ray P
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I think this is a ridiculous idea. I say what I need to say. Maybe people like what I say, maybe not. It's called *pick and choose*After being here for 8 yrs, if I'm asked to write down my *resume* just because I'm a moderator than I'll know it's time to leave. It takes a lot of accurate info given out in order to become a moderator. It's the Admin and only the Admin that studies things and then asks a person to be a moderator. Some people won't even take on that responsibility.

Over and over and over and over, it's been suggested that people take the time to read stickys but I know that advice is falling on deaf ears and sadly it'll continue to fall on deaf ears no matter how often it gets suggested. That's been proven to me simply by reading people's posts. I developed a simple solution to all of that----I simply don't waste my time to write down that type of information. My fingers are simply too tired to waste my time.

Vets?---there's a sticky for it which definitely state that there's no vets here and that any info is NOT to be given out when that info has to be gotten from a vet. That part is in bold letters.

Clipping, not clipping-----there's a 4 part sticky for it. It's written in the *pick and choose* format.

Make sure you're being given the right info? There's no demands that a person listen to info and accept it as *the only right info*. That's why minds were invented. It's also called *pick and choose*

Years of experience?---I've seen people who've owned a 2 yr old grey give out accurate info to people who've had a grey who have a bird for 10 years.

"What is your frame of reference old school or positive reinforcement?" I'll just say this, it's a good thing that's there's old timers here. And I'll say one other thing concerning this---*old school* or *positive reinforcement*. They have nothing to do with each other.

There's even a sticky for newbies who are deciding to get a grey. The person is given the pros and cons and asked to make up their own mind. Fortunately, that type of sticky actually deters many people from getting a grey and that means that there's one less good bird that doesn't have to suffer because of some idiot's asinine reasons for getting a grey.

All the info that a person wants is here. It's called *Read, pick, choose*

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I agree that for newbies most of the most important info is already here in the stickies at the top of each room. Better to rely on that information initially than look to specific members, although I know there have been times when we refer people to Dave. If people really take the time to read that existing information they'll have a good running start in knowing how to bring a grey into their lives.

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We all do different things! Any new owner, needs to investigate the care and commitment it takes, to have a grey. Once you commit....you can checkout experienced owners, see what they do, etc.

I am all for full flight, trim back during terrible twos.... full flight again! Many hate that plan! That doesn't change my plan. ( although I have the best trimmer, which helps).

We listen to others, make a plan with our instincts. I have always listened to others with suggestions, but have always followed my gut instincts. Nancy

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I think this is a ridiculous idea. I say what I need to say. Maybe people like what I say, maybe not. It's called *pick and choose*After being here for 8 yrs, if I'm asked to write down my *resume* just because I'm a moderator than I'll know it's time to leave. It takes a lot of accurate info given out in order to become a moderator. It's the Admin and only the Admin that studies things and then asks a person to be a moderator. Some people won't even take on that responsibility.

Over and over and over and over, it's been suggested that people take the time to read stickys but I know that advice is falling on deaf ears and sadly it'll continue to fall on deaf ears no matter how often it gets suggested. That's been proven to me simply by reading people's posts. I developed a simple solution to all of that----I simply don't waste my time to write down that type of information. My fingers are simply too tired to waste my time.

Vets?---there's a sticky for it which definitely state that there's no vets here and that any info is NOT to be given out when that info has to be gotten from a vet. That part is in bold letters.

Clipping, not clipping-----there's a 4 part sticky for it. It's written in the *pick and choose* format.

Make sure you're being given the right info? There's no demands that a person listen to info and accept it as *the only right info*. That's why minds were invented. It's also called *pick and choose*

Years of experience?---I've seen people who've owned a 2 yr old grey give out accurate info to people who've had a grey who have a bird for 10 years.

"What is your frame of reference old school or positive reinforcement?" I'll just say this, it's a good thing that's there's old timers here. And I'll say one other thing concerning this---*old school* or *positive reinforcement*. They have nothing to do with each other.

There's even a sticky for newbies who are deciding to get a grey. The person is given the pros and cons and asked to make up their own mind. Fortunately, that type of sticky actually deters many people from getting a grey and that means that there's one less good bird that doesn't have to suffer because of some idiot's asinine reasons for getting a grey.

All the info that a person wants is here. It's called *Read, pick, choose*


Why am I not surprised.

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I believe members thanked Dave, as he is absolutely correct . If people would read the stickies which were put in place to answer the most commonly asked questions,.then they would be well informed. Not just anyone can make a sticky, it is approved only by a moderator or admin.

I can speak for long time members here when I say, that mods are all here volunteering our time, and when the same questions come up day after day it can get quite tiresome and we are answering the same questions over and over, thus the moderators have spent many hours writing stickies...why? To help answer with the best experience and knowledge they have.


I hope that answers your testy question about Dave , who has my upmost respect, and I will not.allow anyone to disrespect him in any way.....just putting that out there for future info.

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You all have obviously taken offense to my suggestion and think it's ok for Dave to bully people - even to go so far as to stand behind him in his bullying. I for one have read all the stickies and many many posts on this site. My suggestion was in no way meant to say anything about stickies. I for one will not continue to be bullied, Good riddance. I will miss a few of you but if you think my suggestion warranted such a lashing then I will not be in such an unfriendly place.

Edited by bluedawg
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Every situation is different. That is why a thread is started so that anyone can make suggestions or give their personal advice to a similar situation that worked or didn't work for them. It is up to each of us to decide which advice might work for their situation because the owner of the grey is the only one who truly knows what is happening with their grey. Dave007 is one of the members whose advice I personally listen to and treat with respect. Personal choices are mine to make as it is for each Grey Forum member.

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Bluedawg and Sterling , you really did over react. Dredging up the past is not a positive or becoming attribute. let's move on please or I will lock this thread.

You had a suggestion, others and myself gave their opinions, and that's that. Don't take it so personally, thus a a forum and this is how it works ....suggestions, questions, opinions

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We thank him for his honest opinion, and as has been mentioned we have no way of knowing if people post honestly about their experience and background. For the most part we can tell from our own experiences whether someone is offering sound advice. I would like to believe that most of us are an honest open group but there is room for doubt. I personally do not like opening my life to others (big brother syndrome) but I will freely offer advice and answer questions to the best of my ability. I do have quite a bit of experience with many kinds of animals and birds from childhood on. But I like Dave am not thinking that would be the greatest idea. Perhaps we could make the stickies more exciting and colorful so they might garner more attention?:confused:

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I hear where you are all coming from and I agree - one can get what they need from reading the posts. It was just a thought... and apparently a bad one. I do think that hostility should be discouraged but again I seam to be in the minority here.

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Hostility is never a welcome thing here, the idea is to help the birds and their people not judge them. Easy to jump to a conclusion with out all the information and easy to misinterpret people written words so forgive and keep moving forward. I am not directing this at anyone just in general.

Edited by Greywings
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Well, since my name was edited and lumped back into the overreaction accusation I'll respond:


I realize Jayd cared about the birds and so does Dave as most of us do. Both indicate they don't give a damn about what people think about their posts. Fine with me. I can be a complete prick too which is my natural state (seems to be common in males). If I acted the same way here that I do on a couple testosterone laden boards I frequent, I'd be in the same place as Jayd 'banned'. I forced myself to tone it down here because it's about the Greys and I noticed there are more sensitive types than what I'm used to or care for. I just stated the facts, you ran off what I considered a good member who had a softer gentler side, there are several of those here whom I've learned to respect just because we share a very common love of Greys. Otherwise, I couldn't give a damn either.

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Perhaps we could make the stickies more exciting and colorful so they might garner more attention?:confused:

Now, that might work. Or maybe just one super colourful post at the top of each room with a title like 'What Is a Stickie?' Anything that might encourage members new and old to read through them. Barring that, I've found referring people to an existing stickie in response to a new post saves some typing.

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Look, lets get back to basics. There's wrong words that are used, phrases that are misunderstood. Attitudes that get going. I don't want this guy to leave. He wanted an explanation so I gave it in PM. I've already explained myself to this person. Whether he wants to accept my explanation is his choice.


But getting pissed off at what is or was said is now yesterday's news. It was anyones choice to pick and choose what they saw. I have no intentions to get on this person's case.I'm definitely not asking for anyone's foregivenes. I don't care who chooses what they wanna choose.


The one thing I DO object to is using Jayd's name in this whole thing. There's no comparison to use any of his threads and this thread. Most of you really didn't know what went on behind closed doors with him. Also, you have no idea how many people left because of him. You don't really know how much grief he caused the Admin. It was things she didn't deserve and he refused to stop. He was told to ease up on people over and over and over again. But his choice was not to ease up. He came here under 4 different usernames so he could continue to hastle people and cause trouble. He had his wife come here under a username to cause trouble. He had another username which was his bird's name. 4 usernames ??? Like I said, he was trouble and the admin went trough hell in order to read all the negative PMs that she had to go through. There are people who get banned but there's only a few and always a good reason.

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I don't consider Dave's response to be any kind of bullying, he can be blunt in his posts but that is just the way he is. Like some of the others I tone down my true feelings of what I would like to say sometimes because some people are easily offended, that seems to be a real disease these days. He gives out excellent advice and if you choose to use it then fine but I can attest to the fact that Dave is passionate about greys and has much experience with the raising and caring for both breeder and companion greys.


As for the subject of a certain banned member, most of you have no idea of what admin and the mods had to contend with behind the scene but that is over and done with so let it be.

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This forum allows people to express their opinions in their own way. I find most of the members to be helpful and well-intentioned. When you read the posts on this or any other forum, you take what you want away with you and leave the rest. Some of us (myself included) have a sarcastic sense of humor that can be taken in the wrong way if you aren't familiar with or don't appreciate that style. If I feel like my toes are being stepped on (yes, it has happened) I just shrug and move on to the next post.


I appreciate all the hard work the admins do that makes the forum possible. In my opinion, this forum is the most active and most useful for "grey people" on the internet.

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