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Fear of Red


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It may sound strange but my Grey seems to be afraid of the color Red. Odd since her Tail is Red and she isn't afraid of it. She won't have anything to do with red things. If I give her red apples she throws them away, same with radishes. I got her a swing, it has red blocks on each end, she doesn't swing on it, only attacks the blocks. I ordered an aviator harness and of all the colors it COULD have came in, yep, it was red. Can't use it.


I have had her since she was 12 weeks old. She is now 8 months old. I can assure you nothing red has ever hurt her.


So what could be up with this??? Maybe she knows her Tail is red and thinks red is an intrusion by another bird.

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Nothing unusual about hating different colors. It's very common. Also, many hate certain items such as cardboard boxes. Some hate brooms. Some hate a new hair style the owner might have. Some hate sunglasses. Some dislike certain colors of their pellets. Some hate vacuums and/or their sound.

All in all, they're very hateful birds.:angry:

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Makena goes back and forth. He used to eat all of his red pellets first, now he eats all the green ones first. Maybe it is just a phase!


Dave is right... they are scared of many weird things. Makena is only truly scared of a few things; me with my hair down, the little cord that hangs for the ceiling fan and flashlights. Who knows what is going through their little minds!


If I was you I would expose him to lots of red things. Maybe not stick them in his cage, but have them around the cage. And play with them yourself. If he sees you having fun with red stuff he might not find it as threatening.


Good luck!<br><br>Post edited by: Makena, at: 2007/11/09 22:04

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judygram wrote:

I don't recall Josey being afraid of any certain color, but she does not like the vacuum cleaner at all.


Ya know I hear about this fairly often, birds being afraida of vacuums...I must have the oddball birs as I can vacuum with all my birds out of the cages, and it doesn't phase any of them LOL

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Guest briansmum

nope the vacuum doesnt bother bri either. nothing really botheres him except bright yellow things (but i dont like the colour yellow so theres none about)...


however i got a free monkey soft toy with my tea bags (if you dont know don't ask LOL), it's only a few inches big and is made from soft material with no detachable bits so i thought.. hmm.. bird toy. well i showed it to brian, making a big happy fuss "look bri, monkey! wooo!" as i usually do with new things for him.


GOODNESS ME! that bird shot to the otherside of his cage faster than a bolt of lightening. needless to say brian and the monkey are not on speaking terms, and the poor chimp has been relagated to a shelf in the hall way.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow I just thought of something Thank You! When I first got Buddi she loved my red nail polish. I haven't been getting my nails done for a little over a year now, changed occupations and not gonna pay for those acrylics. Plus, I decided it was bad, Buddi would try to clean under my nail. I also think that red lipsticks and nail polish contain lead? Anyway, I know she is sensitive to how I look and I have this plucking trouble with her. Is it possible that she is plucking in reaction to my new eyeglasses? She started the plucking during the year I got them, altho I also added birdie #2 same time. Maybe I'll wear my contacts for a month, and wear red nail polish. I'll try that and see if she stops plucking. ;)

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SweetHeart hates the color Yellow! We have no problem with her with the vacuum cleaner, but it has a yellow feather duster on it and I pulled that out to dust some stuff and than she went crazy on me! She was growling really really bad and flopping around her cage. I of course put it away right away! Than today I had a yellow/orange cleaning rag and she growled again. So I have to do away with anything yellow lol. She hates anything on your head too like a towel coming out of the shower or when my husband wears his baseball hat, she throws a fit! She is 7 months old so we are still learning her likes and dislikes. As far as her pellets go, she leaves all the green and yellow ones in there lol.

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That's funny Ronda :-)


It reminds me of last weekend. I had Dayo on my shoulder, walking through the house and all of a sudden, Dayo SCREAMED and dug his Talons into my shoulder. Scared the Hell out of me:ohmy: !! Then I looked in the direction he was screaming.....Kim had been dusting with an extension pole with the round porcupine looking attachment on the end. Which she had leaned in a recess up against a wall. Dayo does not like it at all....


The Greys are sure sensitive to some things :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/16 20:33

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Bella seems to like the color red - on her telephone she seems to enjoy pushing the red button quit often and she snuggles into my red shawl when I wear it in the evening and we're snuggling together ( in fact she makes herself a little pouch that she rests in so she can put her head right under my chin).


But she does hate this one sweater I have - it's beige and white, but it's bulky. Maybe I look like some kind of wierd bird when I wear it!

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