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Bongo the statue


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As most of you know, Bongo is my statue. He sits where ever you put him. Doesn't fly around much unless I am cooking his dinner then he will be on my shoulder before I can turn around. My little man has started exploring now. It has taken over 3 years for him to do this and he is making up for lost time. I have found him in the other birds cages, on "forbidden" countertops, in Gabby's area of the counter (huge no-no) and even on the stands the other greys are on. He is everywhere and into everything now. Last night her got on the counter behind Mary Anne and when she turned around he was smacked by her tail, maybe he will stay off of that area now. Maybe? God help us! Now all 4 greys are into everything. I always had my reliable Bongo who never gets into trouble and now that is changing. He is pretty cute though, he goes up to Gabby and makes his big smooching kiss. She in returns tries to remove his neck or feet but he isn't giving up on getting that kiss from her! He may be 9 now, but he will always be my baby boy and I hate that he is growing up and getting independent, but also kinda proud!

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