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I was lonely ROM!


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Poor Sophie! I NEVER work weekends, but did work two twelve hour shifts this weekend. After getting home at 8 pm Sunday, I was soooo tired! Said goodnite to the gang and went to bed. While everyone knows I have an open cage concept, I rarely even close her birdroom. Just laterally, so she can't go in the kitchen and family room. She can go upstairs, as the only room opened is mine. At 430 am, I could here someone talking to themselves. ( I am a very light sleeper). Next thing I know, there was Sophie on my shoulder whispering " morning". I whispered morning back. I just placed another poopy pad on my pillow, and she was quiet as a mouse until 8am Nancy

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Thanks all!

Brat Birds I love her too and I will tell her! LOL She DOES have a " kind soul!" I hope all those that struggle with bites, rotten " baby bite syndrome", there CAN be a light at the end of the tunnel! It may take time.... but it was all worth it. Sure... she is a pain in the butt... I have poopy pads under four windows, one poopy pad under the bottom of my bed... but that is easy stuff. I know where she likes to hangout.

Its moments like this where she really missed me that are so precious. The wagging tail always lets me know how she feels. Nancy

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I am always amazed at the empathy and understanding our greys can show. Sophie knew how tired you were, but wanted to be close. My Gracie always knows my moods and does her best to respect them. Last weekend I was also really tired and after waking to feed her, I took a nap on the couch. Gracie was as quiet as a mouse as the hours ticked away. The minute she saw my eyes open she said "Good morning Daddy. Daddy take nap!" It was almost noon.

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