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Little angry friend


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Hey guys,

I know that the african grey mostly like to bond with one member of the family but still, I think this is special case.

My congo african grey allow me to pet her and do as I like with her (with limits right? hehe) she's 1 year old baby, called Annie.

And that the problem, I am living right now at my grandpa and grandma house. Annie allow some of the time to my grandma to pet her but most of the time's she bite her, to my grandpa she NEVER allowed him to pet her, only biting him and she seeing them the most of the day (she allow him to touch her only when she on th ground and he wanna bring her back to the cage). my girlfriend, at first she bite her most of the times and now she don't and allow her to pet her.


My question as you can read, there's any good reason for Annie to bite every time my grandpa? EVERY day he tries to pet her more than half year.


Another thing, I bought her with clipped wings.. she haven't change the old ones with new flying feathers. when itll be?

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The flight feathers will return when the old clipped ones molt out. It took about a year from the time I acquired my greys until their flight feathers were properly replaced. I am delighted you have decided to let Annie fly.


As to the way your grey treats each member of your family is personal to the grey. Greys are very intuitive and are prey animals so very cautious normally. If your grey senses that a person is fearful, leery or unfriendly, he protects himself by biting or flying away. They also bite just to be left alone. Let your grey pick and choose when to come and when to leave. Treats are also a way to get a grey to be more cooperative, if he so wishes. When my greys are out, I call them to me and if they come, I ask if they want a tickle. If they do, the bird drop his head and gentle head scratches commence.

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I'm sorry Annie is being difficult towards your grandparents. My advice is to ask them not to try to pet her at all right now. I know that's hard when they see her being so affectionate with you. In the meantime, let them be the only people who put favorite treats in her bowls, maybe let one of them turn on the lights/uncover the cage and wake her up in the morning. Keep their fingers out of her way while letting her associate them with good things. When she is on the floor and allows them to pick her up, praise the heck out of her. They love praise and will associate getting it with letting them touch her. This is a slow path to tread, but it' soy ur best chance at building a relationship with the other members of her 'flock'.

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